Victory in Jesus | The Institute for Creation Research

Victory in Jesus

Asaph was a gifted music leader in ancient Israel, so he was used to seeing many worshipers come and go in the temple. While he didn’t write a tell-all book about his experiences, he did pen a few psalms in the Bible, and one in particular (Psalm 73) reveals his observations about the wicked man and how he handled his circumstances.

What Asaph couldn’t accept was the open disdain for the Word of God. Truth was being trampled by those who should have known better, but who were more interested in public recognition than in godliness. At first, Asaph was envious of the wicked because of their apparent success (Psalm 73:3). But later, he realized that God did not ignore the wicked; judgment would eventually come (v. 17). And Asaph finally learned to entrust victory over the wicked to God, who knows best when and how to make things right (v. 28).

Our feature article this month by Dr. Henry Morris III reminds us that while there is a battle against God’s people and God’s truth, ultimate victory for the righteous is assured by God Himself. We are to be faithful messengers of the truth and wait upon the Lord to bring the victory. Read “Victory Over the Wicked” on pages 4-5.

Does E.T. really exist? Some scientists think so, and they are looking for other life forms through the revitalized SETI radio telescope, newly funded by independent donors. Dr. Larry Vardiman discusses the details of this new search for E.T. in his article on pages 10-11.

The new year is already well underway and the work of the ministry continues here at ICR as we teach the wonders of our Creator around the world through radio, the Internet, our many publications, and our education programs, like the School of Biblical Apologetics (SOBA). Established in 2009 as ICR’s new graduate school for advanced ministry training, SOBA continues to impact students around the world. In-depth courses tackle the tough topics of science, Scripture, and Christian education—all with the aim to equip students with information and strategy for communicating truth in the real world. With our rolling admissions and asynchronous enrollment, students may start as soon as they are accepted into the program. Working professionals find SOBA convenient for their busy schedules, as all coursework is completed online. Talk to an admissions representative today and begin building a solid foundation for ministry leadership and impact. Call 800.337.0375 or email Visit our school online at and take a virtual tour today!

And for those working in K-12 science education, don’t forget to keep up to date with practical science education resources through the Science Essentials education blog, hosted by Dr. Rhonda Forlow. Visit

February is a month to think about giving and receiving love, which is a nice reminder about the love-gift God gave all of us, His Son. ICR exists because of this truth and because of your faithful support of our work. As you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your loved one, don’t forget to express your love to our Creator, Redeemer, and King!

* Mr. Ford is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Ford, L. 2012. Victory in Jesus. Acts & Facts. 41 (2): 3.

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