Sensitivity Studies on Vapor Canopy Temperature Profiles | The Institute for Creation Research

Sensitivity Studies on Vapor Canopy Temperature Profiles

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by Larry Vardiman, Ph.D. and Karen Bousselot, M.S.

Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Creationism, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 3–8, 1998. Published in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Creationism, R. E. Walsh (editor), pp. 607–618, 1998.

© Creation Science Fellowship, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. All Rights Reserved.


Temperature profiles under a water vapor canopy were studied to determine their sensitivity to variations in factors other than water vapor content. The solar constant, albedo, solar zenith angle, cirrus cloud thickness, and cirrus cloud base height were each varied independently from about 50% to 200% of their normal values and the equilibrium vertical temperature profiles determined. A vapor canopy containing about 0.1 meters of precipitable water was assumed in all cases. Surface temperatures were affected most strongly by changes in the solar constant. A 50% reduction in the solar constant reduced the surface temperature under the canopy from 335 K to 240 K. Changes in albedo, solar zenith angle, and cirrus cloud thickness also produced strong effects on surface temperature. However, none of the effects were so dramatic that the concern over limitation on water content in the canopy by hot surface temperatures was eliminated. If all five parameters were to be introduced into the model simultaneously such that the surface temperature was minimized, it is estimated that the precipitable water content of the canopy could possibly be raised to as much as 2.0 meters.


Antediluvan Vapor Canopy, Antediluvan Atmosphere, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Science, Canopy, Equilibrium Temperature Profiles, Firmament, Precipitable Water, Pre-Flood Vapor Canopy, Temperature Profiles, Vapor Canopy

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