Teaching Children Creation Truth | The Institute for Creation Research

Teaching Children Creation Truth

Hello, I’m Jayme Durant, the Director of Communications at ICR. I homeschooled my four children from kindergarten through high school graduation. For 22 years, we visited museums and discovery centers as part of our educational plan.

“This is true, but that's false. You can trust this, but you can't trust that....” How many times do Christian parents repeat these lines as they walk through museums and discovery centers? I said it dozens of times with each field trip we took. While the evolutionary exhibits provided conversation starters in the van on the way home, I sometimes got tired of navigating my kids through the resulting confusion. Time spent countering the false teachings often felt like too much of a distraction from valuable learning opportunities.

As I’ve watched the ICR Discovery Center go up right next to my office, how I’ve wished that my children could’ve visited a place like this when they were young! The Discovery Center will allow students to learn great science, accurate history, and biblical truth all in an atmosphere that leads to worship of our majestic, all-powerful Creator.

Please help us finish this project. When your children and grandchildren visit the ICR Discovery Center, you can trust that they will get the truth—and it will be an unforgettable, fun experience!


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