SOBA Graduate Profile: Seth Trotman | The Institute for Creation Research

SOBA Graduate Profile: Seth Trotman

The Institute for Creation Research is dedicated to equipping believers with evidence from science and the Bible to strengthen their faith and to prepare them to minister to others. Its degree program, the School of Biblical Apologetics (SOBA), is designed to provide graduate-level training in biblical education and apologetics with a solid foundation in Scripture.

Among those in SOBA’s first graduating class is Seth Trotman, ICR’s web applications developer. Working within the Internet Ministries department, he’s responsible for maintaining ICR’s various websites and designing and implementing new tools, features, and sites.

He became interested in apologetics a few years ago after taking a systematic theology course offered by his church. “Of the 25 participants in that class, I was one out of only two people who believed in creation as the Bible states,” he said. “Then about a year later, I came to work for ICR. God really directed me towards this ministry.”

When he started work at ICR in July 2008, he enrolled in the Creationist Worldview, ICR’s online, self-paced certificate program for professionals.

“[The Creationist Worldview] was really eye-opening,” he said. “After completing the program in early 2009, I began searching for ‘the next thing’ I could do to help me ‘be ready always to give...a reason of the hope that is in [me].’”

He chose to attend SOBA, which launched in the fall of 2009, because of the subject matter and the convenience of the classes offered at ICR’s campus. “Since I work at ICR and since classes were held on campus, it was easy for me to just stay late and attend classes. I have a very large family, and I cherish my time with them. SOBA allowed me to attend classes without going to a separate place.”

The highlight of his coursework, he said, was the faculty. “Being able to learn from instructors like [Drs. Stanley Toussaint, Jobe Martin, Jim Johnson, and others] was a dream come true. I remember going home from my first class with Dr. Toussaint; I was so in awe of his ability to exegete Scripture. It highlighted for me exactly how much more there was to learn.”

On November 12, 2011, Trotman graduated with his Master of Christian Education degree and a joint major in Biblical Education and Apologetics. His minors were in Genesis Studies, Sacred Humanities, and Christian School Teaching.

“As a homeschooling father of seven children, I intend to pass on the sure knowledge of God as Creator,” he said. “I am also currently investigating entry into a local Th.D. program to further deepen that knowledge so I can continue to glorify Him through this passion He has awakened within me.

“SOBA is now available completely online, and I would encourage anyone with a desire to learn more about how accurate the Bible really is and what evidences there are that demonstrate that to go through the program.”

Visit and take our online tour to learn more about ICR’s School of Biblical Apologetics.

* Ms. Dao is Assistant Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Dao, C. 2012. SOBA Graduate Profile: Seth Trotman. Acts & Facts. 41 (2): 19.

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