The Ongoing Impact of Creation Truth | The Institute for Creation Research

The Ongoing Impact of Creation Truth

Wise King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes that there is really nothing new under the sun. While a lot of “progress” or “thought” seems new to us, we are merely discoverers of those things God has already established from before the foundation of the world. And yet, this knowledge should not discourage us from thinking new thoughts or moving forward with innovation; it rather keeps what we do in perspective. No one can take glory from God, our Creator.

And when something we do or say impacts our world—reaching millions with truth, for instance—then we can be rightfully thankful that God would use even us to touch the lives of others. I think that’s how Dr. Henry Morris, ICR’s founder, would view the sum of his life and work—with gratitude to God.

What Henry Morris did a half century ago started a movement that lasts to this day, impacting millions around the world with the message of the Creator. Looking back, as the Bible sometimes reminds us, gives us an opportunity to be thankful, as well as courage to face the challenges that lie before us in the months and years to come.

Each January we take the opportunity in Acts & Facts to review the blessings of God during the last twelve months, and we have much for which to be thankful. And one of the biggest blessings is the celebration of the movement that Henry Morris began in 1961 with the publication of the book he co-authored with theologian John Whitcomb—The Genesis Flood. That book, now available in a 50th anniversary edition, continues to speak to Christians and non-Christians alike all around the world.

Every creation scientist today stands on the shoulders of these men as they discover new evidence demonstrating the accuracy and authority of the Bible. Whether in geology or genetics, research continues in the same spirit that Dr. Morris established over 50 years ago. Now with new initiatives in the life sciences, ICR scientists are reporting their findings each month in Acts & Facts in the research columns and Impact articles.

Read our feature article “Celebrating 50 Years” and join us in giving thanks for all that God has been doing at ICR.

Of special note in January is ICR’s participation at the annual pastors conference in Jacksonville, Florida, later this month. CEO Dr. Henry Morris III will be holding four seminars on the topic of Teaching Through Genesis, joined by Dr. Mac Brunson and Dr. Al Mohler for panel discussions. Dr. Morris will be releasing a brand-new book at this significant event.

And this is a great time to express my thanks to a great staff that makes Acts & Facts and Days of Praise the best creation periodicals available, reaching hundreds of thousands of readers each day around the world.Your faithful and generous support allows us to fulfill this great calling that Dr. Henry Morris began over 50 years ago. It’s a calling we take seriously and a mission we continue to fulfill. Thank you.

* Mr. Ford is executive editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Ford, L. 2012. The Ongoing Impact of Creation Truth. Acts & Facts. 41 (1): 3.

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