Hi, I’m Dr. Tim Clarey, the geologist at ICR. I’m excited to showcase our cutting-edge research in the ICR Discovery Center. The center’s portrayal of the global Flood will reflect our most recent studies on how this catastrophe impacted Earth’s geology. One of the rooms will display a 48-inch globe that tracks the progression of the Flood from Day 1 to Day 314. No other museum has anything like this, and it’s all based on real rock data from across the world.
The Discovery Center will also have a large diorama that portrays Mount St. Helens, even including details like the floating log mat on Spirit Lake. Visitors can peer into the crater and see the glaciers that formed since the eruptions. They’ll learn how geologic catastrophes, like volcanoes and flood waters, can deposit and erode vast amounts of material in just hours or days. ICR scientists believe similar processes, on a larger scale, contributed to Earth’s destruction during the great Flood.
Please help us pay for these one-of-a-kind exhibits to impact thousands of visitors for generations to come. People need to know that there really was a global Flood as Genesis describes. The Bible can be trusted from the first page to the last.