The Necessity of Preaching Genesis | The Institute for Creation Research

The Necessity of Preaching Genesis

Since God inspired the writing of the 66 inerrant books we call "the Holy Bible," it can be assumed that He wanted people to hear what each book says. Having served as a pastor, I know both the joy and the stress of preparing sermons that accurately explain the text of Scripture, as well as demonstrate the timeless applications of His Word to our lives. Some books are more challenging to preach than others, but every one is necessary. And because the Bible is a timeless book of divine origin, how vital it is for pastors of every age and in every culture to teach the entire counsel of God revealed through Scripture.

And yet, certain books of the Bible tend to be neglected. Some pastors preach almost exclusively from the New Testament and avoid the wonderful accounts of God’s work in the Old Testament. Some focus on the Pauline writings or on eschatology or on Psalms or other parts of the Bible. But the fact remains that the Bible is one unified revelation of God, from Genesis to Revelation. Pastors should not neglect portions of Scripture that seem uncomfortable or even controversial. If God wrote it, it was for our benefit, and all of it is profitable.

That’s why I’m excited about Dr. Henry Morris III’s article this month on preaching through Genesis. A former pastor himself, Dr. Morris zeros in on the need and value of preaching the Bible’s first book. And while some people would rather ignore or deny the ruinous implications of inserting evolutionary ideas into the accounts of creation, the Fall, and the Flood, avoiding the controversy will not help Christians understand what God really intended for us to know about Him as Creator and how He created our world. Look for more from Dr. Morris on the subject in the coming months.

Coming this fall to ICR is the Science Education Essentials blog hosted by Dr. Rhonda Forlow, ICR’s K-12 Education Specialist. Full of insightful articles on teaching science to children, the site will feature science teaching tips, lesson plans, activities for various grades, and help in choosing resources for both the Christian school teacher and homeschool parents. Read her article on page 19.

With school now well underway, ICR begins its fall event schedule with many speakers spread out across the country at teacher conventions and Christian schools. Keep up to date each month on events in your area on page 7 of Acts & Facts, or on the web at

Finally, in 1961 two scholars…Dr. John Whitcomb and Dr. Henry Morris…published a book that for the past 50 years has literally revolutionized our thinking on the relationship between the Bible and science. The Genesis Flood, says Dr. John MacArthur, was "one of the most important books of the past century," and it set in motion the modern creation science movement, in which godly men and women in the sciences have devoted their research and teaching to honor the Creator and His Word. Get your copy today of the 50th anniversary edition of The Genesis Flood, with new content from Drs. John and Henry Morris III and from Dr. John Whitcomb.

* Mr. Ford is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Ford, L. 2011. The Necessity of Preaching Genesis. Acts & Facts. 40 (9): 3.

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