As a Matter of Fact | The Institute for Creation Research

As a Matter of Fact

Facts are funny…sometimes. Not humorous, but odd, especially when two people see the same facts and describe them differently. I suppose that’s the problem with being finite and faulty human beings…we approach facts with biases. And if we don’t strip away the biases to allow truth to speak, we’ll more than likely misinterpret the evidence.

And that’s exactly what we are seeing in the realm of science and the Bible. Scientists and professors who claim to be Christian are declaring their belief in Genesis as "inspired by God," while at the same time teaching that God is an evolutionist, that the universe is billions of years old, that Adam and Eve were not real people, that the Fall was a metaphor, and that the Flood could not have covered the entire earth. If this is true, then Genesis doesn’t really matter. Let God be true and every man a liar!

Are you a monkey’s uncle? Or related in any way at all to chimps? Evolutionary scientists claim that humans and chimps are 95 to 99 percent similar in their DNA, but is that calculation accurate? Drs. Jeanson and Tomkins of our science team discuss a potential dilemma for evolutionists in their research report on page 6.

Salmon are amazing fish! Rather than "going with the flow," these courageous creatures struggle with all their might against the raging currents in order to preserve their progeny. Sadly, too many in the Church today are not even as brave as these salmon, preferring to make theological compromises (and teaching others how to do so) in order to defer to popular notions like evolution. Dr. James Johnson addresses this issue in an extended Real World Apologetics article on pages 8-10.

Dr. Randy Guliuzza, ICR’s National Representative, continues his Impact series on Darwin’s Sacred Imposter, exposing the truth and lies about natural selection. In this month’s article, Dr. Guliuzza tackles the various ways scientists…both secular and creationist…make use of this volatile term so crucial to Darwin’s theory of evolution. Is it a valid term to use at all? Do all evolutionary scientists agree on its use? What does nature actually "select" anyway? Read this powerful article on pages 12-15.

Since January of this year, ICR has been working with Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, pastored by Dr. Jack Graham, for the launch of their Creation Expo VBS. Some 5,000 children attended this five-day Bible school, complete with special lessons and activities around a biblical creation theme, highlighted by full-scale dinosaur models and amazing museum rooms throughout the enormous church property. Dr. Rhonda Forlow will have more about this in next month’s education column.

Thinking of starting a Bible study this fall? Is your pastor planning on preaching through Genesis? Take a look at our annual Summer Sale to find solid creation apologetic resources from ICR, with savings up to 80 percent! Quantities are limited, so act fast. Look at pages 23-24, or visit our online store at for our entire sale.

And remember ICR in your prayers as you take your vacation. Many of our speakers are spread about the country speaking at conferences, summer camps, and pulpits while pastors take much-needed time off. Your financial gifts are vital, but we value your intercession before the throne of God each and every day.

* Mr. Ford is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Ford, L. 2011. As a Matter of Fact. Acts & Facts. 40 (7): 3.

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