Introducing ICR's New Director of Research: Jason Lisle, Ph.D. | The Institute for Creation Research

Introducing ICR's New Director of Research: Jason Lisle, Ph.D.

Dr. Jason Lisle approaches science from the perspective that God’s Word is true—“the Bible teaches us the truth about origins, and good science confirms what the Bible teaches.” Dr. Lisle, a Christian astrophysicist who writes and speaks on various topics relating to science and the defense of the Christian faith, graduated summa cum laude from Ohio Wesleyan University, where he double-majored in physics and astronomy and minored in mathematics. He then earned a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado.

Dr. Lisle specialized in solar astrophysics and has made a number of scientific discoveries regarding the solar photosphere, including the detection of giant cell boundaries using the SOHO spacecraft. He also does theoretical research and has contributed to the field of general relativity. His areas of interest in creation studies are in developing models of cosmology and stellar aging.

Since completion of his research at the University of Colorado, Dr. Lisle also began working in full-time apologetics ministry, specializing in the defense of Genesis. He has written a number of articles and books on the topic. His book The Ultimate Proof of Creation demonstrates that biblical creation is the only logical possibility for origins. Dr. Lisle was instrumental in developing the planetarium at the Creation Museum in Kentucky, and he wrote and directed popular planetarium shows, including “The Created Cosmos.”

Dr. Lisle wrote his book Discerning Truth: Exposing Errors in Evolutionary Arguments because he believes Christians often face “criticism from evolutionists for their belief in God and His glorious creation.” Lisle says, “Creationists need to be able to recognize and refute evolutionist arguments, and to do so in a way that both honors God and lines up with the truth of His Word. The role of logic, the study of correct reasoning, is becoming a vanishing skill in our society.” Dr. Lisle hopes that he can help believers defend their faith “in the face of adversity.”

The Stargazer’s Guide to the Night Sky taps into Dr. Lisle’s expertise in astrophysics and his understanding of the galaxies. Astronomy and physics have always been areas of special interest. One of his favorite hobbies is viewing the night sky through a telescope. His other books include Are ETs & UFOs Real? and Big Problems with the Big Bang. While most astronomers and astrophysicists present the Big Bang theory as an explanation for our origins, Dr. Lisle says, “They are simply wrong.” Naturalists present their “alternative model to explain the universe naturalistically, and that goes against what the Bible teaches.”

For over 40 years ICR has maintained its commitment to research and biblical truth, drawing talented research scientists like Dr. Jason Lisle from around the country to contribute their skills to our ministry efforts. Dr. Lisle will focus his research efforts in astrophysics, as well as lead ICR’s gifted team of scientists who continue to investigate and demonstrate the evidence for creation. The Institute for Creation Research welcomes Dr. Jason Lisle!

Cite this article: 2012. Introducing ICR’s New Director of Research: Jason Lisle, Ph.D. Acts & Facts. 41 (4): 18.

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