ICR Announces New President & Chief Operating Officer | The Institute for Creation Research

ICR Announces New President & Chief Operating Officer
After a focused international search, the Institute for Creation Research Board of Trustees voted unanimously to appoint Dr. Randy J. Guliuzza as ICR’s new President & Chief Operating Officer, effective August 1, 2020. Dr. Henry Morris III will formally retire from his position as Chief Executive Officer in October 2020.

Since 2008, Dr. Guliuzza has served as ICR’s National Representative, speaking throughout the United States about biblical apologetics, engineering, and the human body, and conducting research into the mechanisms that enable creatures to rapidly adapt to environmental changes. He has also represented ICR in several scientific debates at universities and in other forums.

Dr. Guliuzza has a B.S. in Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, a B.A. in theology from Moody Bible Institute, an M.D. from the University of Minnesota, and a Master of Public Health from Harvard University. He served nine years in the Navy Civil Engineer Corps and is a registered Professional Engineer. In 2008, he retired as a lieutenant colonel from the Air Force, where he served as 28th Bomb Wing Flight Surgeon and Chief of Aerospace Medicine.

He is the author of Made in His Image: Examining the complexities of the human body, Clearly Seen: Constructing Solid Arguments for Design, Five Minutes with a Darwinist, and Twenty Evolutionary Blunders: Dangers and Difficulties of Darwinian Thinking, and a contributor to Guide to Creation Basics, Creation Basics & Beyond, Guide to the Human Body, and the Made in His Image DVD series.

We look forward to sharing more about Dr. Guliuzza’s transition into this new role in the weeks and months ahead.

Click here to hear his testimony.
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