When coronavirus restrictions shut down ICR’s scheduled events, we had to rapidly change strategies to get the biblical creation message to people sheltering at home. Our events, communications, and science teams joined forces to meet this challenge with Zoom meetings and Facebook Live, and we give thanks to the Lord for making it a great success.

Moving ICR events online has reached many people who weren’t familiar with our ministry. Schools forced to transition to distance learning needed quality resources, so ICR’s new virtual classroom was welcomed by many Christian educators. Over the last few months, ICR scientists have presented creation truth to private schools, homeschool groups, and colleges, as well as churches, ministry groups, and general audiences.
We offered educational sessions on Thursday afternoons in private Zoom meetings, and on Fridays our scientists held interactive Creation Q&A sessions, fielding viewers’ questions on Facebook Live. Dr. Jake Hebert gave a live stream talk on Earth Day about climate change and the Bible, while Frank Sherwin and Dr. Tim Clarey commemorated the 40th anniversary of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption by discussing how this catastrophic event provided a living laboratory for creation scientists. Presentations have also included Drs. Brian Thomas, Jeff Tomkins, Vernon Cupps, and Randy Guliuzza.

ICR Director of Events Chas Morse said, “The beauty of a virtual classroom is that it’s not limited to a particular geographic location. In fact, one of our first responses [to the offer of free online creation science presentations] was from an educator in the Caribbean island of Trinidad. ICR geologist Dr. Tim Clarey spoke to their students using Zoom technology, bringing creation truth and the latest science news to a country thousands of miles away.” ICR scientists also spoke with audiences from Colombia, France, and Thailand, as well as American states ranging from Washington to Florida.
Events Coordinator Joel Kautt is thrilled with the way ICR’s science staff quickly pivoted to presenting their messages online. He said, “None of this would have happened without the cheerful willingness of the scientists as they were called upon frequently to lead these presentations. They have all been so great to work with!”
Michael Hansen, who runs ICR’s social media platforms, helped facilitate the Facebook Live presentations. He said, “I have been so encouraged to read all of the positive feedback and messages of thanks regarding our science talks, virtual classrooms, and Creation Q&A LIVE shows….People need answers, hope, encouragement, and truth. And ICR is prepared to be the resource that meets these vital needs. We hope our virtual events continue to bless Christians and also make an impact for the gospel in the lives of skeptics and unconvinced but curious thinkers.”
You can see our scheduled presentations on Facebook @ICRscience, or visit ICR.org/virtual-classroom to find out how to host private online sessions for educational or ministry groups.