ICR Discovery Center Hosts Grand Opening | The Institute for Creation Research

ICR Discovery Center Hosts Grand Opening
This Labor Day, over 1,600 people flowed through the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History to celebrate its grand opening. ICR staff and volunteers welcomed plenty of Texas locals as well as longtime supporters from all over the country. Many were excited to see this incredible vision come to fruition. Our CEO Dr. Henry Morris III reflected on the momentous day: “It is wonderful to see God fulfilling your heart’s desire right in front of you….Wading through the crowd that jammed the exhibits was almost surreal. God gets the glory for all of this.”

Visitors from all walks of life came to discover how science confirms the Bible. They spent the day journeying through Earth’s history in the exhibit hall, exploring God’s creation in the planetarium, and enjoying live science presentations in the auditorium.

Darren and Mindy brought their family to the Discovery Center at the invitation of a friend. Mindy said,

The whole museum felt very lifelike, and it was just neat to see [Earth history] in chronological progression. Growing up in a secular world, you’re given information that’s not necessarily true. Then you come to a place like this and you realize what the facts are, and it’s just really eye-opening as an adult to learn these things that you’ve thought otherwise your entire life….I’m really glad to have this information so I can make sure my children are getting the right information.

Lisa described her Discovery Center experience as “Awe and wonder!” She especially enjoyed the live science presentation given by Dr. Randy Guliuzza in Founder’s Hall: “We went to the lecture and [Dr. Guliuzza] was talking about how science is worship. And that’s exactly how I felt. I love science—it just helps you to worship the Lord!” Lisa’s husband Mike appreciated the Discovery Store, where he found resources to help him dig deeper into a variety of creation science topics. He said, “I loved the bookstore, the wide range of resources for reading and otherwise, and just to really help me master the material to be able to present it to someone.”

In the exhibit hall, visitors described the Origins of the Universe room as “stunning” and “vivid.” The eerie mist wall at the room’s entrance definitely sets the stage. Many guests also commented on the Ice Age Theater, which offers a dynamic seven-minute explanation of the Ice Age in a chilly, multimedia environment. Even longtime friends of ICR found greater clarity and understanding of the Flood-Ice Age connection. Libby said, “I really like the Ice Age room, hearing about some evidence recorded in the book of Job about snow and ice, and how it really wouldn’t have been the climate today that it was back then.” Her two young sons talked enthusiastically about the dinosaurs, especially T. rex and the pterodactyl. Libby added, “They loved that and they loved the Ark, too, because of all the animals.”

The exhibit hall climaxes with an emphasis on Christ as Creator, Savior, and returning King. David said, “The last film blew me away…I have no doubt that many will come to know the Lord as a result of seeing the life of Christ.”

Hundreds of visitors purchased an annual membership, which comes with many benefits, including free daily admission for one year. Does the Discovery Center warrant a return visit? Ask Lynn from Wylie: “I just enjoyed the whole experience today. I’ll definitely need one or two more trips—at least—to take it all in!”
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