For more than 50 years, the Institute for Creation Research has investigated the evidence showing how science supports the Bible’s account of a recent creation. Earlier this year, ICR Research Scientist Dr. Brian Thomas had a unique opportunity to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ as Creator and Savior in the island nation of Fiji.
We asked Dr. Thomas to share about his team’s impactful outreach in this tropical paradise. Here’s an excerpt from the full interview scheduled to appear in the September/October Acts & Facts.
Dr. Thomas, what led to your involvement in this mission?

I heard some years ago that Fiji’s Ministry of Education approved the Creation Science Association of Fiji to conduct science assemblies at high schools. Fijian schools have more autonomy than US public schools, so each school could decide if it wanted to host this one-hour assembly, allow students to receive free copies of the creation-affirming book Pearls in Paradise, and/or hear the gospel. ICR President Dr. Randy Guliuzza wanted to support this outreach by sending an ICR scientist. With ICR’s backing, my wife, Michele, and I agreed to teach and serve. It was the opportunity of a lifetime!
What surprised you most about Fiji?
Most people, including the high school students, were warm and welcoming despite having little financial means. One student had waited five years for a copy of Pearls in Paradise. What a blessing to see her finally get one of her own!
How did students respond to your teaching?
Students were attentive. Some felt challenged, since their evolutionary curriculum omits these basics. Others were thrilled to hear that science really does support Genesis, and still others understood for the first time that the Creator paid our sin debt so we can know and enjoy Him forever.
As an ICR scientist, you’ve spoken in many different places. How did Fiji compare?
I would say that in contrast to American audiences, which are mostly friendly but sometimes treat the creation message lightly, Fijian students and even some teachers were eager to learn what motivated us to make the effort to visit them. The answer? Jesus!
Why is it important that Christians—or really, anyone—take Genesis literally?
Genesis creation lays the foundation for the gospel. If there were no actual Adam and no original sin, then the Genesis 3 curse of death never happened either—the very death that the Lord Jesus suffered in our place to pay for our sins.

What encouragement would you give to a Christian student who’s struggling with evolutionary teaching?
When thinking back on how I turned from believing evolution to creation,* I would say the most important factors for me were taking my questions to the Lord and learning from people who walked with Him daily. The Lord used those Christian friends to share ICR materials that helped resolve my origins questions. It’s easier to find the truth when we humbly seek Him.
*To learn more about Dr. Thomas’ creation conversion, you can find his story here. A more extensive account is given in his book Living in Light of Genesis, available at ICR.org/store.