Does the God described in the Bible really exist? Is it plausible to believe that an omnipotent, omniscient being has existed eternally? And did that God really create everything in the universe? Or did everything that exists develop over billions of years as a result of the random interaction of stellar gas?
It is man’s nature to question life and the world around him. Who am I? How am I different from the other creatures on earth? Am I just a higher order of animal, a freak accident of nature’s infinite cycle of accidents over billions of years? Could I possibly be created in the image of God, or am I merely the fittest of animals, now able to use everything within my power for my own pleasure? Is my sole purpose in life to fulfill those personal desires—to simply survive—or was I, a member of humanity, designed to serve and glorify something or Someone much greater? Is life an exquisite work of art or a cosmic joke at man’s expense?
There are two very different views on these fundamental questions. These views, or worldviews or belief systems, hold their own presuppositions that we use every day to interpret the meaning of everything around us. Some have suggested that all presuppositions can be summarized by two types of information filters: atheist, which presupposes that God does not and cannot exist, and creationist, which presupposes that God is the originator and sustainer of everything.
Obviously, these two are diametrically opposed to each other. Those who presuppose that God does not exist look at everything from a purely naturalistic viewpoint. Everything is to be explained without God in the story. Those who presuppose that God does exist attempt to understand everything in light of what that God has revealed, both in His creation and in the information that He caused to be recorded through human authors over the millennia.
Exploring the Evidence for Creation rests firmly on and presents evidence to validate a creationist worldview.
If the creationist worldview is true, we should expect to discover real, tangible, and observable evidence that supports its fundamental tenets. The God of Scripture invites our investigation: “Prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts” (Malachi 3:10). Indeed, if God does exist, there ought to be plenty of evidence that He exists. If there is no God who designed the cosmos, that should also be clear.
We tend to look for answers from the limited experience and knowledge of our own lives, but the answers we seek are freely given by the One who created us. God’s very existence is witnessed in the creation, and His immutable truth is clearly proclaimed for all to observe. Even science itself—we might even say, especially science—verifies the hand of a Creator in our universe. The Bible, unique and beautiful in its account of human history from the beginning, becomes the foundational textbook in which we begin our search for truth.
Copyright © 2008/2009 by Institute for Creation Research
Published by Harvest House Publishers
Eugene, Oregon 97402
Used by Permission.
* Dr. Morris is Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Creation Research.
Cite this article: Morris III, H. 2012. Exploring the Evidence for Creation. Acts & Facts. 41 (9): 22.