Demanding the Evidence in the 21st Century | The Institute for Creation Research

Demanding the Evidence in the 21st Century

Millions of people around the world believe it is, but not everyone understands the weight of evidence that verifies the accuracy of the 6-day creation account, the special design and creation of the first man and woman, the young age of the earth and universe, and the catastrophic global flood of Noah's day that critically impacted life on earth.

Until fairly recently, science acknowledged the Creator, with many of the greatest scientists in history recording their unashamed belief in and devotion to the God of the Bible. Today, many thousands of scientists maintain their belief in God and revere Him as Creator, though admittedly they find themselves in the minority in their profession.

Charles Darwin, with his limited understanding of biological systems, began a revolution 150 years ago that continues to take its toll on the sciences and on people of faith. If all that exists is only what can be observed around us, then we are to be profoundly pitied. Dr. William Provine of Cornell University sums up the despair that naturally results from a belief in Darwinism:

Let me summarize my views on what modern evolutionary biology tells us loud and clear--and these are basically Darwin's views. There are no gods, no purposes, and no goal-directed forces of any kind. There is no life after death. When I die, I am absolutely certain that I am going to be dead. That's the end of me. There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning in life, and no free will for humans, either. What an unintelligible idea.1

Such a godless outlook on life and death is itself entirely unintelligible. Man is a much more valuable creature than Charles Darwin or William Provine describe. But as today's scientific establishment continues to entrench itself in atheistic naturalism and push its system of belief on the public--in schools, in research, in social concerns--how do people of faith correctly interpret the evidence that is uncovered by science and retain their absolute confidence in the reliability of the Scriptures?

For nearly 40 years, the Institute for Creation Research has conducted scientific research and communicated these evidences to the public in a manner that remains true to the fundamental laws of science, while demonstrating the accuracy of the Bible when it touches on matters of science. The counter-revolution that Dr. Henry Morris began in 1961 with the publication of The Genesis Flood and the founding of ICR has dramatically impacted research and education in the sciences. Volumes have been published from experts in the fields of geology, biology, astronomy, and physics. And now this evidence is available to millions around the world.

Evidence on the Web

ICR has launched a new online initiative called Evidence for Creation to present the overwhelming scientific and biblical evidences in a user-friendly format accessible anywhere that there's an Internet connection.

Divided into five multi-layer sections, Evidence for Creation logically explores what the earth and its natural processes imply regarding origins and the complex design that supports and animates life on this planet.

ICR's Director of Internet Ministries first envisioned the Evidence web tool some 10 years ago:

When I was involved in a small Bible study years ago, the class discussed the evidence for creation. One group member commented, "We've spent more time talking about scientific evidence for creation than we have about the evidence in the Bible." Why not have both and place them in a user-friendly environment on the web? The Evidence section on the ICR website will allow teachers and study leaders to see the biblical evidence, as well as the scientific evidence, that supports the creationist viewpoint.

Evidence for Creation is designed to equip believers with tools for expanding their knowledge of creation science and for building their faith in our awesome Creator. ICR has published an extensive library of articles and research that spans nearly 40 years, but since that information was organized chronologically on our website, it has been hard for our visitors to make a connection between related subjects.

With the launch of Evidence, information is now categorized into five main topics, with a vast network of subtopics within each category. An ever-deepening series of hyperlinks allows users to dig into subjects of interest, backed by current and archived scientific and theological articles that have been published by ICR. 

ICR has a vast library of articles and information spanning nearly 40 years of ministry. It is easy to get lost in it. Evidence for Creation provides a point of reference, a place to begin, and a system of navigation. It makes the evidence and information more clearly accessible.

Web users now have at their fingertips a dynamic resource that conveniently outlines the evidence. And as new scientific discoveries are made and added to the growing body of evidence, Evidence for Creation will grow as well.

Evidence for God: God Does Exist

In the beginning God...--Genesis 1:1

No one can absolutely prove God's existence, but His perfect wisdom and power are observable in everything, especially in the specific ways the elements of our universe work together.

Evidence for God explores some of life's more mysterious concepts, including beauty, justice, love, and order--things that cannot be explained by naturalistic means, but which fit perfectly with a Creator. Explanations are both simple and logical, backed by the research published in relevant articles.

Evidence for Truth: Real Truth Is Knowable

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.--John 8:32

Modern secularist philosophies have attempted to redefine truth as being subjective, a reflection of personal experience. But our belief or disbelief about something has no bearing on whether it is actually true. Science itself is a discipline based on objective truth, taking advantage of absolute scientific laws to conduct research and make sense of natural phenomena.

Absolute truth is both observable and knowable. It is illustrated in the inescapable universal laws that are in place for human benefit, advantage, and protection. It is found in the conscience of every human being. Although each culture has its own flavors of what behaviors and actions are deemed acceptable, the innate concept of right and wrong still exists.

Evidence from Nature: Nature Reveals the Creator

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.--Romans 1:20

The earth is a unique planet, especially in that it is the only one that can support life. Natural laws are constant, and are ordered so specifically that random chance cannot account for the phenomena that occur.

Studies of the earth and its natural processes have resulted in innovation and invention in technology, agriculture, and other spheres of human endeavor. Particularly with today's energy concerns, scientists are taking advantage of the laws of nature in their efforts to find cleaner and renewable sources of power. In the pharmaceutical industry, the behavior of bacteria and the influence of their environment are paving the way for new drugs. Medical science is discovering the complex and intricate workings of the human body's natural defense, the immune system.

Research in these and many more areas take advantage of absolute laws in science--laws that we can observe in action all around us.

Evidence from Science: Science Verifies the Creation

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.--John 1:2

Science gives us the tools to understand our universe and the laws of nature that we observe all around us, and this understanding provides compelling evidence for creation.

In the new Evidence from Science section on ICR's website, visitors can explore just what the evidence collected by the physical, earth, and life sciences says about the complexities of our world, life, and the natural processes that occur. Most discoveries--such as fossils and rock strata--that are used in secular science as "proof" for an old earth and evolution actually tell very different stories when studied rationally and logically according to observable proofs and processes.

Evidence from Scripture: Scripture Is Unique

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.--John 1:1

Many believers today are not confident when it comes to reconciling the Bible with science. It may not be a science textbook, but the Bible talks about many scientific phenomena that can be tested and observed. The information contained in the Bible is also wholly accurate, and this logically leads to the conclusion that it is historically accurate as well.

The Evidence from Scripture section discusses the vast amount of research that has gone into studying the Scriptures from a scientific perspective. And the more research that is conducted into the accuracy of the Bible, the more discoveries into the authority and nature of its Author can be made known.

Understanding and Communicating Truth

Science continues to make more discoveries regarding the origin and development of the world and of life on earth. The growing body of quantitative data continues to provide a better understanding of the qualitative questions that intrigue us most. Who am I? Do I have any purpose in life? Is there anything to hope for after I die? Am I simply a product of random chance or did Someone carefully design me? Is there evidence to answer any of these questions?

In fact, there is. And the new online Evidence for Creation at has been designed to give readers confidence in understanding and communicating the truth regarding science and Scripture. 

In discussing science and evidence in the secular world, Christians are sometimes hesitant to defend the truth of the Bible because of all the technical details that are involved in talking about evolution vs. creationism. Evidence for Creation provides a source to address the questions that are out there. A Christian can say to someone, "That's a great question, and I know just where you can go to find more information."

Demand the evidence. Get it at ICR.


1. Provine, W.B. 1994. Origins Research. 16 (1): 9.

* Mr. Ford is Executive Editor.

Cite this article: Ford, L. 2008. Demanding the Evidence in the 21st Century. Acts & Facts. 37 (6): 10.

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