Welcome to the first episode in a series called “The Failures of Old Earth Creationism.” Many Christians attempt to fit old earth ideology into their beliefs, adopting uniformitarian or evolutionary pieces into their worldview. While this is often done in an effort to appeal to science, it often leads to major issues logically, scientifically, and theologically.
Today we’ll look at what is considered by many to be a strong argument for an old Earth: ice cores. Ice cores, cylindrical cores drilled from the thick ice sheets, are often presented as indisputable evidence of hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of years of Earth’s history, but how reliable are these claims? What assumptions lie beneath the surface of these interpretations? In this episode, we’ll discuss: what ice cores are and why they’re significant, the assumptions and flaws in Old Earth interpretations, and how ice cores ultimately align with a young Earth model.
Join host Trey Bowling and Dr. Jake Hebert as they discuss this topic on episode 93 of The Creation Podcast.
Additional reading:
Explaining the Ice Age:
The Bible Best Explains the Ice Age
Missing Ice Age Forests Fit Flood/Ice Age Model
The Bible Best Explains the Ice Age
Missing Ice Age Forests Fit Flood/Ice Age Model
Additional Credits:
“Parrenin et al. (2007) summarized a good example of an age scale at a site with no annual layers: Dome C in East Antarctica.”
Cuffey, K. M. and W. S. B. Paterson. 2010. The Physics of Glaciers (4th ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann, Amsterdam: p. 622.
Hebert, J. 2023. Milankovitch evidence: Strong despite weaknesses in the 1976 ‘Pacemaker’ paper? Journal of Creation 37(2): 47-51.
“If I were to assert that a glacial condition could be induced in a room liberally supplied during winter with charged night-storage heaters simply by taking an ice cube into the room, the proposition would be no more unlikely than the Milankovitch theory.”
Hoyle, Fred. 1981. Ice: The Ultimate Human Catastrophe. Continuum, New York: p. 77.