Darwin, Hitler, and the Holocaust Part 3 - One People, One Creator | The Creation Podcast: Episode 78 | The Institute for Creation Research

Darwin, Hitler, and the Holocaust Part 3 - One People, One Creator | The Creation Podcast: Episode 78
From 1941 to 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies systematically murdered approximately six million Jews in a genocide known as the Holocaust. This was, at the time, around two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population. Alongside the Jews, others who had been deemed ‘inferior’ suffered during the Nazi’s reign. This included the Roma, the Polish, people of Slavic descent, black people, the mentally ill, and the disabled. But why? To what end? In this three-part series, we’re going to look at the roots of the Holocaust from a scientific perspective as well as uncover the Darwinian undercurrent that allowed it all to take place.
In our previous episodes, we discussed the philosophers and thought leaders that set the stage for the atrocities of the holocaust and the specifics of scientific racism, eugenics, and attempted genocide as practiced by Nazi Germany. Today, we’ll wrap things up by looking at how this natural consequence of Darwinian evolution stands in stark contrast to what Scripture says about who we are and our purpose on this planet.
Join Trey and ICR President, Dr. Randy Guliuzza as they discuss this vital topic on Episode 78 of The Creation Podcast.



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