Biblical Creation Is Real History | The Institute for Creation Research

Biblical Creation Is Real History

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:1-2)

An accurate understanding of the universe’s beginning is based solely on God’s written Word. The Genesis narrative is real history and essential doctrine. Mankind needs to listen to God’s revelation and understand that the six-day creation is a series of supernatural, instantaneous, inexplicable miracles. There’s not one hint of nature selecting or evolution substituting as God’s “creative” tool.

Unfortunately, many Christians desire to force an external ideology on Scripture. Can’t the words of Genesis stand on their own? Why impose gaps in between verses or breaks between chapters of Genesis? Martin Luther and the Reformation greats argued for the clarity (perspicuity) of the biblical text. Hebrews 11:3 underscores the truth by affirming that “through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”

Believer, listen to God. “In the beginning (time) God (source) created (energy) the heaven (space) and the earth (matter).” Elohim accurately describes His actions before there was anything. At the beginning of time, the Trinity ingeniously painted an epic masterpiece. Our minds have a difficult time imagining what the spectacular scene was like. I’m envious of what the morning stars (angels) saw that creation week when they “shouted for joy” (Job 38:7).

Understanding our world begins with our Bibles in hand, looking through its magnificent lens to understand history. CM

Days of Praise Podcast Days of Praise Podcast is a podcast based on the Institute for Creation Research quarterly print devotional, Days of Praise. Start your day with devotional readings written by Dr. Henry Morris, Dr. Henry Morris III, Dr. John Morris, and others to strengthen and encourage you in your Christian faith.


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