Is the Bible trustworthy? Are scientific theories 100% factual? How can Christians resolve the origins debate? ICR’s CEO Dr. Henry Morris III offers clarity and insight for questions about the origin of the universe, the accuracy of Scripture, and the role of faith in every human heart.
The Apostle Paul warned Timothy about pseudoscience and “false knowledge.” Today, many twist the meaning of Scripture to promote their interpretation of scientific data. What is the root of this issue? And how should Christians handle apparent conflicts between the Bible and science?
The Bible’s message requires absolute accuracy of every word of its written text. Jesus referenced the eternal nature of His Word. Even the letters themselves—the “jots” and “tittles”—are under God’s authority. What is the consistent message of Scripture? Can we be certain the Bible is without error?
The scientific world strives to exclude God from its thinking, and faith is not subject to the scientific method. So, how do we reconcile faith and science?
Conservative Christians speak of inerrancy and inspiration, while liberal theologians prefer dynamic equivalence. But what does Jesus teach? How much authority do the Bible’s words really have?
Theories on the origin of the universe abound, but all seem to fit into one of two categories. Either you believe “in the beginning God created” or you must believe the Ph.D. who says he or she knows better. How can we separate fact from fantasy? Can anyone truly know how the universe began?
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