Numerical Simulations of Winter Storms, Tropical Cyclones, and Nor'easters During the Ice Age Using the NCAR WRF Model with a Warm Ocean | The Institute for Creation Research

Numerical Simulations of Winter Storms, Tropical Cyclones, and Nor'easters During the Ice Age Using the NCAR WRF Model with a Warm Ocean

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In M. Horstemeyer, ed., 2013, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Creationism, Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship. Visit the ICC at


The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) was used to simulate several winter storms traveling across Yosemite and Yellowstone National Parks, two tropical storms originating in the Caribbean Ocean, two tropical cyclones in the Arabian Sea, and three nor’easters on the East Coast of North America. The wind speed, precipitation, and pressure fields for each simulated storm compared well with characteristics of the observed storms. The sea-surface temperature of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arabian Sea were artificially heated by 10oC (18oF) to approximate the conditions following the Genesis Flood and simulations run again. Changes in winds, storm motion, and precipitation were analyzed for the warmer temperature. The current locations of North America, the Arabian Sea, the Caribbean Ocean, and the East Coast of the United States were used in the simulations.

Wind speed and precipitation were dramatically increased for all cases, as much as a six-fold increase in precipitation for the mountains of the western United States and in northeastern North America. The increased precipitation rate would have produced glaciers on the order of 1.1 km (3,000 feet) thick in less than 500 years. Tropical cyclones increased in intensity to become hypercyclones and their tracks significantly altered. Nor’easters were greatly intensified.

These simulations showed that increased sea-surface temperature following the Genesis Flood was the likely cause of the ice age. Heavy snow occurred in the mountains of the western United States and in northeastern North America which explain past glaciation found in these locations. Hypercanes and enhanced nor’easters were fueled by the warm oceans and the deserts of Egypt, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Creationism. Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Iraq, and Iran would have likely been much wetter for years after the Genesis Flood.


Ice Age, numerical simulation, WRF, NCAR, Genesis Flood, warm ocean, winter storm, snow storm, orographic, glacier, ice sheet, Yosemite, Yellowstone, tropical cyclone, hypercyclone, Gonu, Arabian Sea, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, hurricane, hypercane, Florida, Caribbean, nor’easter, blizzard, East Coast

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