Obama Orders the Destruction of Human Embryos | The Institute for Creation Research

Obama Orders the Destruction of Human Embryos

In a significant move to distance himself from the moral conservatives of the country, President Barack Obama on March 9 ordered that federal money (taxpayer money) be used to promote medical research using harvested embryonic stem cells from humans.

Dr. Randy Guliuzza, a medical doctor and National Representative at the Institute for Creation Research, commented this week on the Obama decision:

The consequences of the president’s decision are two-fold. First, government is now more empowered to destroy human life for “scientific” progress. Will research on human embryos result in advances in medicine? Possibly, but the fruit of stem cell research using cells safely harvested from umbilical cords or adults is already being used to save lives. Destroying the unborn is both unnecessary and morally reprehensible.

In short, President Obama’s reversal of the embryonic stem cell ban sentences these embryos to the category of disposable life, a clear indicator that the president values the free exercise of science over the life of the unborn.

But there is much more to the president’s decision. Dr. Guliuzza continued:

Second, this announcement is very likely designed to be a sideshow, a distraction to draw attention away from a much larger agenda he is pushing on the American people: empowering an atheist scientific elite who conduct research by consensus. Studies have shown that a tiny minority of scientists profess belief in God, only 7 percent among members of the National Academy of Sciences. The president clearly knows that his emphasis on “scientific integrity” will be governed by atheists.

Of course, this is in contrast to the approximately 80 percent of Americans who profess belief in God, and the 66 percent who believe God created the world in 6 days about 10,000 years ago.1

The consequences of the president’s decision are staggering. Dr. Guliuzza concluded:

With that kind of power, death to embryos is just the first step and who knows where it will end?


1. Gallup Poll: Two Thirds of Americans Believe God Created Them. ICR News. Posted on icr.org June 12, 2007.

* Mr. Ford is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Article posted on March 13, 2009.

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