Another Arch Collapse at a National Park | The Institute for Creation Research

Another Arch Collapse at a National Park

Erosion and other natural forces upon sedimentary formations such as exposed cliffs and arches belie the millions of years during which they allegedly existed.1,2


A popular natural rock feature that stood for millions of years has come crashing down into Lake Powell in Utah’s Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Known as the Double Arch, the stunning geological attraction had been one of the park’s most visited beauty spots, but collapsed on Thursday, August 8.3

National Park Service stated that the “‘Double Arch’ was formed from Navajo sandstone dating to 190 million years ago, during the late Triassic to early Jurassic periods, according to the National Park Service statement.”4

The arch is made of supposedly 190-million-year-old sandstone, hardly robust igneous rock like granite. Most conventional geologists assume the arch is old, too, possibly a few million years or older.

Indeed, sandstone is porous and permeable to water. The coarse size of the grains allows water to flow through it. This fact, coupled with “millions of years” of freezing and thawing cycles, would bring the arch down—and other like it—in just centuries.

But there is also earthquake and tectonic activity that no doubt would have occurred in that area many millions of times. Earthquakes of all magnitude on the Richter scale would have happened over and over again. In addition, there would also be many millions of years’ worth of meteorites, tsunamis, bitter cold, hail, volcanoes, climate change patterns, Ice Ages, tornadoes, flooding, windstorms, drought, lightning, hurricanes and meteorological activity of all sorts. Do evolutionary geologists really expect the public to believe delicate sandstone arches would endure all of that?

Smithsonian Magazine stated, “Park officials are unsure what caused the collapse. But changing water levels and erosion from waves are thought to be contributing factors.”4 Would there not be such conditions many times over during those alleged millions of years that should have brought all such arches down sooner?

In addition, “‘This event serves as a reminder of our responsibility and need to protect the mineral resources surrounding Lake Powell,’ Michelle Kerns, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area superintendent, says in [a] statement. ‘These features have a life span that can be influenced or damaged by manmade interventions.’”4 So manmade inventions such as dams are more damaging than millions of years of erosive processes, tectonic activity, and the other conditions mentioned above? Even the terrain of this park is extremely fragile.5

But a biblical timeline and history of thousands of years explains both the arches’ sandstone and why it is no surprise so many arches are still around. Sedimentary formations of sandstone, limestone, and shale laid down and formed during and just after the Flood. As the Flood water receded, it left behind remnants of this massive sandstone layer. The arches formed in these small exposures due to erosion since the Flood, just 4,500 years ago.

Gigantic arches and alcoves imply that Utah once lay beneath deep water. The Bible tells us the Flood covered all the earth—that includes Utah. But as the floodwaters lowered, massive crustal movements lifted land upward. This force fractured sandstones into parallel fins. While still partially submerged, the weight of strata above the Entrada Sandstone solidified sand into arches, pillars, and mesas. Descending waters flushed sand and debris toward the seas. When the Flood’s water levels dropped enough to start carving channels instead of overtopping the whole landscape, they left behind buttes, valleys, alcoves, and arches as sculptures from the Flood.6

Millions of years of erosion should have toppled all the beautiful sandstone arches out West, yet many hundreds remain. Estimates by conventional geologists show about 40 feet of erosion occurs in just one million years.7 This arch could not have been very old. Instead, this is silent testimony to the youth of these majestic structures.


  1. Sherwin, F. “Rapid Erosion Supports Creation Model.” Creation Science Update. Posted on January 25, 2016.
  2. Sherwin, F. “Darwin’s Fallen Arches.” Creation Science Update. Posted on April 10, 2023.
  3. Taub, B. “Iconic Natural ‘Double Arch’ Collapses at Famous US National Park.” IFLScience. Posted on August 10, 2024.
  4. Sullivan, W. “Iconic ‘Double Arch’ Rock Formation Collapses in Utah.” Smithsonian Magazine. Posted on August 12, 2024.
  5. National Geographic Guide to the National Parks of the United States. 2006. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society. 152–157.
  6. Thomas, B. and T. Clarey. 2021. “Arches National Park: Sculptures from the Flood.” Acts & Facts. 50 (2): 16–19.
  7. Portenga, E. W., and R. R. Bierman. 2011. “Understanding Earth’s Eroding Surface with 10Be.” GSA Today. 21 (8): 4–10.

Stage image: Glen Canyon before arch collapse
Stage image credit: Copyright © W. Bulach. Used in accordance with federal copyright (fair use doctrine) law. Usage by ICR does not imply endorsement of copyright holder.

* Dr. Sherwin is the science news writer at the Institute for Creation Research. He earned an M.A. in invertebrate zoology from the University of Northern Colorado and received an honorary doctorate of science from Pensacola Christian College.

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