Inside July 2021 Acts & Facts | The Institute for Creation Research

Inside July 2021 Acts & Facts

Were dragons real creatures? How balanced was our universe 6,000 years ago? Why is Acadia National Park significant for biblical creation? Can scientists replace God with nothing? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the July 2021 issue of Acts & Facts!

Walton's Lost World Obscures Biblical Clarity
“Now, that was as clear as mud!” is an exclamation we’ve heard before. We picture a frustrated person having just heard a convoluted account where, despite their best efforts, they...
Offshore Cenozoic Coal Confirms N-Q Flood Boundary
Studies of stratigraphic data across multiple continents have revealed strong evidence of a global flood that extends to near the top of the Neogene-Quaternary (N-Q) boundary.1-4 Now the...
The Fossils Still Say No: Tumultuous Triassic Tussle
The Triassic system of the geologic column is an enigma to evolutionists because it represents both a continuance of many life forms found buried in lower strata combined with an alleged and unexplained...
Dinosaurs: Delightful Dragons
A Florida woman recently received national attention when she suggested (somewhat in jest) that a long-tailed creature captured in early morning home security footage looked like a dinosaur.1...
Acadia: The Maine Jewel Among America's Parks
James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* Acadia National Park displays Christ’s artistry throughout almost 50,000 acres of forests, island wildlife, salty-air breezes, and...
The Plate Twirler and Our Solar System
Imagine opening a door to a room and seeing a plate spinning on a stick with a spin rate that makes it wobble. Then imagine you shut the door and go back in time three minutes. What would you expect...
Can Scientists Replace God with Nothing?
Hebrews 11:3 says, “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God.” Do you find it a little odd that we must have faith to understand that God created the universe?...
Grasshopper Apologetics: No Need to Get Jumpy
After spying in Canaan, 10 Hebrew scouts fearfully reported, “We saw the giants…and we were [by comparison] like grasshoppers” (Numbers 13:33). Like the cowardly spies, grasshoppers...
A Prayer for ICR
This month we invite you to join us in a prayer for the Institute for Creation Research’s ministry. Dear Jesus, Creator of all, we seek to glorify Your name in everything we do. Thank you...
Creation Kids: Moon
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...

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Evangelism, Apologetics, and Fighting a False Gospel | Creation.Live...
How do we share the Gospel in a society where truth is subjective? How can we effectively reject the insidious counterfeit gospels that have crept...

Creation Kids: Butterflies
by Renée Dusseau and Susan Windsor* You're never too young to be a creation scientist and explore our Creator's world. Kids, discover...

Exceedingly, Abundantly Grateful
As I finished another year of teaching in the spring of 2023, I knew the Lord was preparing me for something different in my career—I just didn’t...

Genetic Recombination: A Regulated and Designed Chromosomal System
According to the evolutionary paradigm, complex genetic information in the form of genes and regulatory DNA can randomly evolve through mutations and...

Makoshika State Park: Dinosaur Myths and Wonders
by Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and Tommy Lohman* Makoshika State Park, located just southeast of Glendive, Montana, became a state park in 1939....

ICR Veteran Don Barber Retires
Don and Rebecca Barber   After 34 years with the Institute for Creation Research, Don Barber retired on March 31, 2024. His...

Why Biology Needs A Theory of Biological Design, Part 3
Have you ever been reading a story when it dawns on you that the author merely took a biblical account and reset it to modern times with renamed characters?...

Lamprey Lunacy
Lampreys are a group of strange-looking jawless fish of the order Petromyzontiformes. Since evolutionists reject the biblical origins model, they must...

Stasis and More Stasis in Living Fossils
Living fossils have been a challenge to evolutionists ever since Darwin coined the phrase in 1859.1,2 They are members of a living species...

Scaly Skin on a Feathered Dinosaur?
Fossil experts from University College Cork in Ireland took stunning images of Psittacosaurus skin. The dinosaurs’ belly shows patches of skin...