Creation Weekend Conference - Warren, MN
Join Dr. Jim Johnson and Dr. Frank Sherwin as they present on creation during the Creation Weekend Conference at Warren Covenant Church in Warren, MN.
Dates: Feb 28, 2025 - Mar 2, 2025

Dr. Jim Johnson
Chief Academic Officer,
Associate Professor of Apologetics,

Dr. Frank Sherwin
Science News Writer, ICR
The Lord Jesus Christ was the greatest Bible teacher of all time, and when He taught about Himself and His plan for the world, He began with the book of Genesis. All truth in every area of life has its beginning in the Genesis record of creation and early human history. No stretch of the imagination can make the Genesis account agree with the story of life presented by evolutionary scientists. ICR's Creation Weekend Conference calls believers back to the biblical account of Genesis and demonstrates that the Bible provides the best explanation for the origin of the universe and the diversity of life on Earth.
Registration and Schedule
Registration is not required for this free event.
Friday, February 28, 2025 | ||||
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Welcome | |||
The history presented in Genesis is corroborated by ancient Chinese pictographs, archaeological discoveries, and Flood stories from all over the world. The pictographic language preserves a memory of God, creation, Adam and Eve, mankind's sin in the Garden of Eden, the serpent's role in tempting the first couple, Adam and Eve's eviction from Eden, Cain's murder of Abel, blood sacrifices associated with gaining righteous standing with God, the Genesis Flood, and the Tower of Babel. Did you know that the Moabite Stone corroborates a prophecy in Genesis? This kind of information is more than just interesting - it's important for personal apologetics and personal evangelism. | |
Break | |||
Critics regularly say, "Creation is either something you believe or don't believe, but there's no evidence for it." The case for creation is rooted in what Paul teaches in Romans 1 - that God's work and attributes are "clearly seen." Dr. Sherwin describes the tools needed to discern objects that have been made (created) vs. objects that form over time through chance and natural processes. He then provides convincing evidence for creation from the microscopic world (bacteria and molecular machines) and the macroscopic world (animals like the bat and woodpecker). | |
Dismissal | |||
Saturday, March 1, 2025 | ||||
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Welcome | |||
Dr. Frank Sherwin | Genesis clearly teaches a worldwide flood (2 Peter 3:6), and physical evidence confirms it. Geologists study massive, continent-wide sedimentary deposits that could only be produced by widespread, catastrophic flooding. Dr. Sherwin uses the Bible and science to explain why the Genesis Flood could not have been merely a local flood. | |
Break | |||
What does Genesis teach us about God's purpose for the sun, moon, and stars? How intensely did God work when He made the heavens and the earth? When Galileo was accused of disagreeing with Scripture about whether the Earth orbited the sun, who was right - Galileo or his persecutors? What does Scripture teach about Earth's movement in space? What about distant starlight? Dr. Johnson answers these questions and more. He also discusses how heavenly bodies affect growing plants, finfish (like salmon), and shellfish (like oysters and red crabs), and what we can learn from the sun, moon, and stars. | |
Break | |||
A creationist and evolutionist can work together to dig up a dinosaur fossil. They will just disagree on where the dinosaur came from, how long ago it lived, and what killed it. Dr. Sherwin begins this talk by asking children under 12 to identify pictures of some of the more popular "thunder lizards." He then uses the fossil record to show that dinosaurs have always been dinosaurs - they didn't evolve from other reptiles or turn into birds. Evolutionary scientists teach many strange theories about how the dinosaurs died off, but much can be explained by the worldwide Flood of Genesis. | |
Break for lunch | |||
If Genesis is on trial, who is the judge? What are the authorities and evidence rules used to judge it? According to the Lord Jesus, it is Genesis that actually puts each of us on trial. In this presentation, Dr. Johnson discusses five important witnesses of God's truth that support the message of Genesis - the physical creation (including quintillions of witnesses you might not have thought about), the non-physical uniqueness of humans (made in God's image), the Holy Bible (which is completely unique and perfect in many ways), the historic incarnation of Christ (and His time on Earth by which the world split human history as B.C. and A.D.), and a very unusual witness called "providential history" (which includes two scary surprises). Also included in this presentation are two facts of Viking history that forever shaped human history, including the lives of every American, as well as everyone who speaks English around the world. Dr. Johnson explains why these five witnesses are relevant to our personal lives. | |
Break | |||
| Job 12:7-9 reveals that studying the animals of God's creation will guide us to a better understanding and appreciation of His glory as their Designer. This includes the physical characteristics and behavioral instincts of several well-known animals that are local to the Minnesota vicinity. It is an important reminder that since God designed these animals with the ability and instinctual wisdom to thrive in their environments, He certainly knows how to guide each of us on our own individual walks of life. | |
Break | |||
Dr. Jim Johnson and Dr. Frank Sherwin | ||
Dismissal | |||
Sunday, March 2, 2025 | ||||
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Many do not understand how Genesis is the foundation for John 3:16. Dr. Johnson links the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden to our need for the Lord Jesus Christ, Who has fulfilled hundreds of Messianic prophecies about God's promised redemption. Dr. Johnson also emphasizes how one word in John 3:16 actually points to a copper-colored snake in the Old Testament (compare Numbers 21:1-9 with John 3:14-15), as well as how a different Greek word in the verse proves that unbelief in Jesus Christ is a form of spiritual "suicide." Other Genesis verses he explains (with Hebrew insights) include Genesis 2:17, 2:23, 3:15, 3:19-20, 4:1, and 4:23-24. New Testament verses besides John 3:16 that he explains (with Greek insights) include John 3:14-15 and 2 Corinthians 5:21. | |
Of all the birds of God’s creation, the hummingbird might be the most remarkable. Everything about these creatures shouts design. Their little hearts can beat more than 1,000 times a minute, while their wings beat from 50 to 80 times a second. Its specialized interaction with plants, visual color range, complex vocalization, unique flight, and physiological capabilities are a testament to God’s design. |
Warren Covenant Church
112 North 6th St
Warren, MN 56762
For more information, please call 214.615.8325 or email