Dr. Tim Clarey
Director of Research
Geology, Dinosaurs

Dr. Tim Clarey received a Master of Science in Geology in 1984 from the University of Wyoming and a Master of Science in Hydrogeology in 1993 from Western Michigan University. His Ph.D. in Geology was received in 1996 from Western Michigan University. From 1984 to 1992, Dr. Clarey worked as an exploration geologist at Chevron USA, Inc., developing oil drilling prospects and analyzing assets and lease purchases. He was Full Professor and Geosciences Chair at Delta College in Michigan for 17 years before leaving in 2013 to join the science staff at the Institute for Creation Research, having earlier conducted research with ICR in its FAST program. He has published many papers on various aspects of the Rocky Mountains and has authored two college laboratory books. He is the author of Dinosaurs: Marvels of God’s Design and Carved in Stone: Geological Evidence of the Worldwide Flood; co-author of Parks Across America: Viewing God's Wonders Through a Creationist Lens and Earth Systems: An Introduction to Earth System Origins, Structures, and Processes; and a contributor to Guide to DinosaursCreation Basics & Beyond, Human OriginsDinosaurs: Exploring Real-Life Dragons of HistoryVolcanoes: Earth's Explosive Past, Universe: Surveying God's Created Cosmos, and Solar System: Proclaiming God's Heavenly Design. He and his wife, Reneé, are co-authors of the children's books Big Plans for HenryHenry Explores the New World, and Henry and the Ice Age.

Available resources by Dr. Tim Clarey:

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Published Creation Papers

Tomkins, J. P. and T. L. Clarey. 2023. Developing A Comprehensive Model Of Global Flood Paleontology: Integrating The Biostratigraphic Record With Global Megasequence Deposition. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism. 9: 561-587, article 25.

Clarey, T. L. and D. J. Werner. 2023. A Progressive Global Flood Model Confirmed by Rock Data Across Five Continents. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism. 9: 412-445, article 23.

Tomkins, J. P. and T. L. Clarey. 2021. South American Paleontology Supports a Neogene-Quaternary (N-Q) Flood Boundary. Journal of Creation. 36 (1): 17-20.

Johnson, J. J. S. and T. L. Clarey. 2021. God Floods Earth, yet Preserves Ark-Borne Humans and Animals: Exegetical and Geological Notes on Genesis Chapter 7. Creation Research Society Quarterly. 57 (4): 248-262.

Clarey, T. L., D. J. Werner, J. P. Tomkins. 2021. Globally-Extensive Cenozoic Coals Indicate High Post-Flood Boundary. Journal of Creation. 36 (1): 7-9.

Clarey, T. L. and D. J. Werner. 2020. The pre-Flood world resembled Pangaea. Journal of Creation. 34 (2): 8-11.

Clarey, T. L. and D. J. Werner. 2019. Compelling Evidence for an Upper Cenozoic Flood/Post-Flood Boundary: Paleogene and Neogene Marine Strata that Completely Surround Turkey. Creation Research Society Quarterly. 56 (2): 68-75.

Clarey, T. L. and D. J. Werner. 2019. South Caspian Basin supports a late Cenozoic Flood boundary. Journal of Creation. 33 (3): 8-11.

Clarey, T. L. and D. J. Werner. 2018. Use of sedimentary megasequences to re-create pre-Flood geography. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism. J. H. Whitmore, ed. Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship, 351–372.

Clarey, T. L. and D. J. Werner. 2018. Global stratigraphy and the fossil record validate a Flood origin for the geologic column. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism. J. H. Whitmore, ed. Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship, 327–350.

Clarey, T. L. 2017. Disposal of Homo naledi in a possible deathtrap of mass mortality scenario. Journal of Creation. 31 (2): 61-70.

O'Micks, J., and T. L. Clarey. 2017. Book review of Almost Human, the Astonishing Tale of Homo naledi and the Discovery that Changed our Human Story, by Lee Berger and John Hawks. Answers Research Journal. 10: 187-194.

Clarey, T. L. and D. J. Werner. 2017. The Sedimentary Record Demonstrates Minimal Flooding of the Continents During Sauk DepositionAnswers Research Journal. 10: 274-283.

Clarey, T. L. 2017. Local catastrophes or receding Floodwater? Global geologic data that refute a K-Pg (K-T) Flood/post-Flood boundary. Creation Research Society Quarterly. 54 (2): 100-120.

Clarey, T. L. 2017. Floating forest hypothesis fails to explain later and larger coal beds. Journal of Creation. 31 (3): 12-14.

Clarey, T. L. 2017. Do the Data Support a Large Meteorite Impact at Chicxulub? Answers Research Journal. 10 (2017): 71-88.

Clarey, T. L. 2016. The Ice Age as a mechanism for post-Flood dispersal. Journal of Creation. 30 (2): 54-59.

Clarey, T. L., and J. P. Tomkins. 2016. An investigation into an in situ lycopod forest site and structural anatomy invalidates the floating forest hypothesis. Creation Research Society Quarterly. 53 (2): 110-122.

Clarey, T. 2016. Supersized landslides. Answers Magazine. 11 (2): 33. 

Hebert, J., A. Snelling, and T. Clarey. 2016. Do Varves, Tree-Rings, and Radiocarbon Measurements Prove an Old Earth? Refuting a Popular Argument by Old-Earth Geologists Gregg Davidson and Ken Wolgemuth. Answers Research Journal. 9: 339-361.

Clarey, T. L. 2016. Empirical data support seafloor spreading and catastrophic plate tectonics. Journal of Creation. 30 (1): 76-82.

Clarey, T. L. 2015. Examining the floating forest hypothesis: a geological perspective. Journal of Creation. 29 (3): 50-55.

Clarey, T. L. 2015. The Hell Creek Formation: the last gasp of the pre-Flood dinosaurs. Creation Research Society Quarterly. 51 (4): 286-298.

Clarey, T. L., and J. P. Tomkins. 2015. Determining average dinosaur size using the most recent comprehensive body mass data set. Answers Research Journal. 8: 85-91.

Clarey, T. L. 2013. South Fork and Heart Mountain Faults: examples of catastrophic, gravity-driven “overthrusts,” northwest Wyoming, USA. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Creationism. Horstemeyer, M. F., ed. Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship.

Clarey, T. L., S.A. Austin, S. Cheung, and R. Strom. 2013. Superfaults and pseudotachylytes: evidence of catastrophic earth movements. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Creationism. Horstemeyer, M. F., ed. Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship.

Published Secular Papers

Parkes, A. C. and T. L. Clarey. 2019. Characterizing the continental-scale stratigraphic architecture of Europe using Sloss-type sequences. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Technical Programs. Abstract 123-3.

Clarey, T. L. and A. C. Parkes. 2019. Testing the height and extent of the Lower Ordovician (Sauk) transgression using the rock record across three continents. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Technical Programs. Abstract 132-5.

Clarey, T. L. 1990. Thin-skinned shortening geometries of the South Fork fault: Bighorn basin, Park County, Wyoming. The Mountain Geologist. 27 (1): 19-26 (reprinted in 1990 Wyoming Geological Association 41st Field Conference Guidebook, R. W. Specht, ed., 89-98).

Clarey, T. L. and R. B. Chase. 1997. Directions and frequency of natural jointing in the Royal Gorge arch. In Natural fracture systems in the Southern Rockies. Close, J. C. and T. A. Casey, eds. Durango, CO: Four Corners Geological Society, 53-61.

Clarey, T. L., R V. Krishnamurthy, and R. B. Chase. 1998. Environmental isotopic investigation of ground-water movement and surface-water interactions, Royal Gorge arch, Colorado. The Mountain Geologist. 35 (4): 127-135.

Bearss, L. R. and T. L. Clarey. 1999. Navigating the sponge beneath Delta. The Journal for Student Scholars at Michigan's Two- Year Colleges. 3: 2-13.

Clarey, T. L., R. B. Chase, and C. J. Schmidt. 2004. Precambrian influences on the development of the Royal Gorge arch, Colorado: a thick-skinned fault-propagation fold. The Mountain Geologist. 41 (1): 17-32.

Clarey, T. L. 2007. Advocates for cold-blooded dinosaurs: the new generation of heretics. GSA Today Groundwork Series 1, January.

Ross, M. R., W. A. Hoesch, S. A. Austin, J. H. Whitmore, and T. L. Clarey. 2010. Garden of the Gods at Colorado Springs: Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentation and tectonics. In Through the Generations: Geologic and Anthropogenic Field Excursions in the Rocky Mountains from Modern to Ancient. Morgan, L.A., and S. L. Quane, eds. Geologic Society of America Field Guide 18, 77-93.

Clarey, T. L. 2012. South Fork Fault as a gravity slide: its break-away, timing, and emplacement, northwestern Wyoming, U.S.A. Rocky Mountain Geology. 47 (1): 55-79.

Clarey, T. L. 2013. South Fork Fault as a gravity slide: its break-away, timing, and emplacement, northwestern Wyoming, U.S.A.: REPLY. Rocky Mountain Geology. 48 (1): 5-7.

Clarey, T. L., and A. C. Parkes. 2016. Use of sequence boundaries to map siliciclastic depositional patterns across North America. Poster. AAPG Datapages – Search and Discovery #41887. 2016 American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta. 

Parkes, A. C. and T. L. Clarey. Characterizing the Phanerozoic stratigraphic architecture of South America using Sloss-type sequences. DOI:10.1130/abs/2018AM-316478. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, November 2018.