Archive of Articles

How Sunflowers ''See'' the Sun
Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are not only big and beautiful, but they also have an amazing biomechanism called heliotropism. ICR’s Dr. Jim Johnson stated, In fact, the sunflowers move...
November 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease." Genesis 8:22 NKJV ICR November 2023 wallpaper...
Salty Sweat in a Desert Plant
Although plants aren’t alive in the biblical sense,1 they are most certainly complex in their physiology and anatomy.2,3 Some plants have been designed by our Creator Jesus...
The Quasicrystal: The Impossible That Became Possible
When in 1982 Dr. Dan Shechtman looked at a picture his microscope had produced, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Using electron diffraction, he saw a pattern of material with a crystal structure...
Creation Kids: Pumpkins
Designed by Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and activities...
3 Astronomical Evidences from Deep Space that Counter t.,.
When we look into the depths of space, objects are easily found that seem to nullify the Big Bang theory that so many people cling to! Do these astronomical evidences really disprove the Big Bang?...
Bacterial Flagella: Molecular Motors Show Masterful Design
by Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and David Thomas* The bacteria alive in our guts swim using tiny engines that power propellers called flagella (Figure 1). Each of several flagella—the number depends...
Billions of Biological Nanomachines Point to Christ's W.,.
I’m sure we’ve all had at least one teacher who was particularly hard. I had two—my New Testament Greek professors at Moody Bible Institute, Mr. Donald L. Wise and Dr. Paul...
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore: Showcase for th.,.
Like a white winding ribbon along the shoreline, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore’s sandy bluffs ascend hundreds of feet above the waters of Lake Michigan. This steep dune face defines the...
The Myth of Darwinian Plasticity
Staff Writer Among the mechanisms promoted to account for the process of evolution, plasticity is one of the most prominent. This term broadly refers to a capacity for being shaped, altered, or...
This Very Purpose
The apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossian church was fundamental for its recipients. Evolutionary ideologies thrived in the city of Colossae, including Epicureanism, Stoicism, and Gnosticism....
Trait Variation: Engineered Alleles, Yes! Random Mutati.,.
Our world is dynamic, offering changes and challenges to its living residents. Plant and animal trait variations can help them adapt to certain settings. Some adapt quickly as they pioneer new niches,...
Why Do Female Sea Turtles Cry Salty Tears?
Life on a cruise ship can be wonderfully relaxing, but perpetually living at sea has dangerous challenges—just ask a female sea turtle.1 Her life-at-sea salinity (salt concentration)...
ICR Research Is Revealing Evidence for Pre-Flood Longevity
One of the claims of Scripture most ridiculed by skeptics is the Bible’s matter-of-fact assertion that ancient people once lived for hundreds of years. Although creationists have already documented...
Behind Enemy Lines! | Creation.Live Podcast: Episode 18
How does one go from working closely with one of the world's top atheists to a committed Christian and creationist? Find out on this unique episode!   Hosts Trey and Lauren...
Chloroplast Construction Reflects Creation
Much has been written regarding the critical importance of photosynthesis and how utterly complex this near-universal biochemical process is.1,2 Photosynthesis is the production of life energy...
Non-Repeatable Repeatability: Finding Order in Disorder
Covering a flat surface with some pattern of geometric shapes with no overlaps or gaps is called tiling. Tiling shows up in many places, from the tiles on our kitchen floors to bees’ honeycombs....
Can Moths Sense Earth's Magnetic Field?
In the late 1960s, a scientist named Ronald Lockley wrote, “How do animals find their way over apparently trackless country, through pathless forests, across empty deserts, over and under featureless...
Eugenics, Evolution, and a Death-Driven Worldview | The.,.
Evolution is undoubtedly a death-driven worldview, and holding this worldview can play out in a variety of horrible ways: eugenics, abortion, euthanasia, and more.   Host Trey and...
Youthful Mercury: Still Cooling and Shrinking
The analysis of data from the MESSENGER spacecraft has revealed evidence of recent tectonic activity on Mercury—activity caused by the ongoing cooling of the planet’s interior.1,2...
Jellyfish Can Learn Directions
Like all animals, “simple” invertebrates such as the jellyfish continue to amaze zoologists.1,2 Recently, scientists have trained a tiny species of box jellyfish (Tripedalia...
World’s Oldest Antibody or Really Wrong Age?
A new technical report focusing on antibodies from Medieval human teeth also reported the discovery of antibodies from inside a wooly mammoth bone.1 Radiocarbon dating methods pinned tens...
Dinosaur Spider Is Still a Spider
A giant “dinosaur age” trapdoor spider fossil has been unearthed from McGraths Flat in central New South Wales, Australia. The Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society described the...
October 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me." John 15:4 NKJV ICR October 2023 wallpaper...
Volcanoes on Mars??? | The Creation Podcast: Episode 58
Geologic activity shows signs of youth not just on our planet, but all throughout the universe. As we discover more about our solar system and the depths of space, we learn that many of these 'cold,...
The Brain's Amazing Ability of Visual Perception
Scientists will never fully understand the brain’s operation.1,2,3 As neurological research continues, it will only reveal more detailed questions to ask regarding every aspect...
The Genesis Flood : Upheaval in Uniformitarian Geology
Purpose The publication of The Genesis Flood by Drs. John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris in 1961 revolutionized and invigorated modern creation science. Their book exposed the dilemma Bible-believing...
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
Purpose In Western culture during the first few decades of the 19th century, the uniformitarian interpretation of the earth’s physical history supplanted the Bible’s account of that...
RATE Summary
Purpose The RATE (Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth) project from 1997 to 2005 examined and then refuted the claim that radioisotope dating proves the earth is multiple millions of years...
Human-Chimp DNA Similarity Research Refutes Evolution
Purpose An oft-repeated claim of evolutionary propaganda is that the DNA of chimpanzees and humans is 98.5% identical. This high level of DNA similarity is required to bolster the hypothesis that...
Global Stratigraphy Supports a Progressive Worldwide Flood
Purpose Is there geological evidence for a global flood? Is there evidence that the waters rose and peaked on Day 150 as recorded in Genesis 8? And at what level in the geologic record did it...
The Coconino Sandstone: Water, not Wind
Purpose The Coconino Sandstone is one of the most well-known formations in Grand Canyon. The blond-colored sandstone, just three layers down from the rim, forms a distinctive cliff that can be...
Cosmology Research
Purpose Taking the Hebrew text of Scripture at face value without inserting gaps or revising the meanings, the universe is only about 6,000 years old. Creationists have proposed various theories...
Planetary Magnetism
Purpose In 1971, Dr. Thomas Barnes publicized a then “trade secret” of scientists studying the earth’s magnetic field, which is that the main part of the field has been decaying...
ICR and Explaining the Ice Age
by Larry Vardiman, Ph.D., and Michael J. Oard, M.S.* Purpose There is strong geological evidence for an Ice Age, so the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) has always been interested in explaining...
Original Biochemistry in Fossils
Purpose In 1997, paleontologist Dr. Mary Schweitzer accidentally stumbled upon what appeared to be blood vessels and blood cells from a T. rex bone.1 Proliferating publications of apparently...
CET: Testing the Cavefish Model
Staff Writer Purpose The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) is testing an engineering- based model of rapid biological adaptation called continuous environmental tracking (CET).1...
Continuous Environmental Tracking : An Engineering-Base.,.
Purpose The Institute for Creation Research is engaged in our biggest science initiative in the last two decades, and it could be our most important undertaking to date. We’re working on...
Debunking an Iconic Uniformitarian Ice Age Theory
Purpose The Milankovitch, or astronomical, theory holds that the timing of Ice Ages is controlled by slow changes in Earth’s orbital and rotational motions that vary the way sunlight falls...
Lessons from the Mount St. Helens Eruption
Purpose Nothing put a damper on uniformitarianism like the Mount St. Helens eruption did on May 18, 1980. Prior to this eruption, strict uniformitarianism reigned supreme in geology. The influence...
A New and Fascinating Arthropod Fossil
Scientists have discovered that virtually all fossils found in the Cambrian sediments of the geologic column appear suddenly and are exceptionally preserved. One popular example is the complex, extinct...
Designed Deep-Sea Vertebrates
Creationists marvel that God has designed creatures both small and big to inhabit a variety of punishing habitats. These examples include the bacteria called Thermocrinis (in the geysers of Yellowstone)...
Beauty for Beauty's Sake! | Creation.Live Podcast: Epis.,.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? Or is beauty an objective standard? Where do our ideas of beauty even come from?   Hosts Trey and Lauren delve into this fascinating...
Fire Sensory Capabilities of the Venus Flytrap
Fascinating discoveries have been made regarding the amazing Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula).1 For example, all parts of this amazing plant must work together to maintain its carnivorous...
What Really Swallowed Jonah? | The Creation Podcast: Ep.,.
The book of Jonah contains the historical account of the prophet Jonah. In verse 17 of chapter 1, the text states that the Lord prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah... That can't be right...
More Flood Evidence
Paleontologists recently discovered the partial fossils of two new species of dinosaur just outside of Casablanca. As stated in a Science Direct article, they “report two new abelisaurid fossils...
New York Times Editorial: Big Bang Unraveling?
Two physicists have suggested in a recent New York Times guest editorial that Big Bang cosmology ‘may be starting to unravel.’1 Dr. Adam Frank (University of Rochester) and Dr....
Your Functional ''Yolk Sac''
For decades, evolutionists pointed to dozens of ‘useless artifacts’ of the human body to make their questionable case for evolution. But the creation worldview states that God doesn’t...
The Beauty of Creation: Created for God's Own Glory
Have you ever wondered why a sunset on a beach is captivating, snowcapped mountains are breathtaking, and a valley filled with wildflowers is enchanting? Scripture, as a whole, teaches that God...
Devastating, Dangerous, and Deadly Bacteria? | The Crea.,.
Bacteria are everywhere! While we can't see them with the naked eye, these little critters are everywhere, even in and on your body! Some of these bacteria can cause serious problems! Where...
Pre-Flood Reptile Fossil Discovered With Baleen
Baleen whales (suborder Mysticeti) are amazing filter-feeding mammals of the sea. They belong to a group called the Cetacea. Evolutionists suggest they were mammals that “returned” to the...
September 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and perform them, then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees shall yield their fruit." Leviticus...
The Strange Endless Universe Cosmology of Open Theism
SEPTEMBER 01, 2023
In Journal of Dispensational Theology. 27 (75): 167-184. Abstract Open theism is a problematic theological paradigm that shares foundational elements with panentheism and process theology. Not...
How Darwin Poisons Science
There’s no denying that most people believe evolution is science but creation science and Intelligent Design (ID) are religion. Education, entertainment, news media, and even our government promote...
Garden of the Gods: A Product of the Flood
One of the most breathtaking sites along the Colorado Front Range is located within the city limits of Colorado Springs. Here, multiple sheets of orange and white sandstones shoot right out of the ground...
Transposable Elements: Genomic Parasites or Engineered .,.
Transposable elements (transposons or TEs) are a specialized group of DNA sequences that can transpose or change positions in the genome. Some scientists have referred to them as “jumping genes.”...
The Myths of Darwinian Homology and Convergence
Staff Writer Foundational interpretations of Darwinian evolution are built upon two conceptual pillars: homology and convergence. Homology proposes that specific characters—including the genes,...
Making Life Count for the Creator
Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon, a king who appeared to “have it all”—even the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Yet, near the end of his reign (possibly around 931 BC), Solomon...
Post-Flood Repopulation: From 8 to 8,000,000,000!
Sometimes scoffers disparage the Genesis history of the global Flood by saying there hasn’t been enough time from the end of the Flood until now for Earth to repopulate to its present population...
Creation Kids: Mars
Designed by Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and activities...
Is the Earth Round?
Some readers might think the answer to this question is so obvious that maybe we’re offering it as a kind of joke—but it’s no joke. A number of people seem to actually believe the...
Tiny Worms with an Ability to Suspend Life
God has designed some creatures with an amazing ability to stop or slow down their metabolism (life processes) when encountering challenging conditions. This state of suspended metabolism is called...
These Scientific Papers Destroy Evolution | Creation.Li.,.
Is evolution an undisputed fact? Or is there more going on behind the scenes that the general public isn't aware of? What does the scientific literature actually say on the subject?   Hosts...
Butterflies Can Remember
Gone are the days when many people (biologists included) saw insects as simple creatures that did little more than reproduce, eat, and grow—with some migrating. But as the decades of research...
Geological Evidences for a Young Earth - Pt 2 | The Cre.,.
Some people claim that our planet is billions of years old. The geologic features we see are supposedly ancient, carved out over long spans of time by natural processes. Is this true?   Host...
Bavarian Turtle Fossil Supports Marine Mixing
A new discovery of a foot-long marine turtle fossil was announced in central Bavaria, southern Germany.1 The species, dubbed Solnhofia parsoni, was unearthed from the famous Solnhofen Limestone,...
The Oldest Known Jellyfish
Paleontologists continue to identify creatures that inhabited the waters of the “ancient” Cambrian ocean to be just like what we find in the shallow seas of the 21st century. If...
Sand Dollar Secrets
Combing the sea shore for shells is a beloved activity of all ages. Sand dollars are one of the most prized treasures found at the beach. The off-white disk of the sand dollar is actually its skeleton,...
Spider Silk Properties Ideal for Nerve Repairs
Big doesn’t always mean strong. Most of the time, strength comes from what something is made of. The proteins forming spider silk make that silk one of the strongest materials in the world. Ounce...
August 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light." Genesis 1:3 NKJV ICR August 2023 wallpaper is now available for mobile, tablet, and desktop! Download this month's...
Geological Evidences for a Young Earth - Pt 1 | The Cre.,.
Some people claim that our planet is billions of years old. The geologic features we see are supposedly ancient, carved out over long spans of time by natural processes. Is this true?   Host...
Nature's Drummer
The sweet melody of songbirds fills the air as the forest wakes up. But there is another familiar voice that joins in the morning songs: woodpecker. The woodpecker doesn’t join in with a voice,...
How Honeybees Make Accurate, Fast Decisions
The typical honeybee continues to amaze,1 if not flummox entomologists. For example, a decade ago researchers from Macquarie University conducted a study that was “the first to...
Big Bang Troubles? No Problem, Just Double the Universe.,.
A physicist has suggested doubling the accepted age of the universe in order to resolve ‘strong’ tensions between the Big Bang and observations from the James Webb Space Telescope.1,2...
Real-Life Indiana Jones Explains How Archaeology Valida.,.
Dr. Stripling has explored all over the Near East conducting archaeological research and excavations. Confronted with so many relics of the past, has his faith in Scripture's historical accounts...
Neanderthals Possibly Used Pre-Flood Methods to Make Tar
A new discovery by a group of German and French scientists has found that Neanderthals were much more sophisticated than previously thought.1 It appears they were making synthetic birch tar,...
SIX Biological Evidences for Creation - Pt. 2 | The Cre.,.
Some people claim that life has evolved over millions of years, but where's the proof?  Does the evidence actually point to these long spans of time or is it just wishful thinking?   Host...
Molecular Motors of a Squid Show CET in Action
It has traditionally been thought in biology that invertebrates were somehow simple and less complex than vertebrates. But in past decades, this has been turned on its head.1,2 For example,...
The Fine-Structure Constant: Evidence of Design in Nature
The job of physicists is to worry about numbers, but one number has perplexed physicists for more than a century. That number is 0.00729735256—approximately 1/137. This is the fine-structure constant....
Not-So-Simple Cilia
Some of us may remember in high school science class viewing a busy, single-celled Paramecium as it moves through a watery medium. They move using numerous short appendages called cilia. These tiny...
The Spectral IR Ledge
Life requires many parameters in order to survive and thrive. The more data that are uncovered, the more evidence there is that Earth and its environs were specifically designed with the exact conditions...
SIX Biological Evidences for Creation - Pt. 1 | The Cre.,.
Some people claim that life has evolved over millions of years, but where's the proof?  Does the evidence actually point to these long spans of time or is it just wishful thinking? Host Trey...
''Ancient'' Katydid Fossil is...a Katydid
A fascinating discovery of a fossil insect has recently been made by evolutionists in Colorado. The description once again points clearly to the effects of the Genesis Flood thousands of years ago. 50...
July 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea." Psalm 93:4 NKJV ICR July 2023 wallpaper is now available for mobile, tablet, and desktop! Download...
Eight-Armed Anomaly
Octopi are incredible and intelligent creatures—they are mesmerizing to observe and study. Some of octopi’s interesting features include the ability to change colors and blend in with surroundings,...
Creation, Convergence, and Crabs
A recent scientific study came out addressing the genetic flexibility of a group of invertebrates called the crustaceans (crabs, barnacles, shrimp, and lobsters). In the rock record, the lowest...
Sharing the Message of Christ Our Creator
The Institute for Creation Research’s founder, the late Dr. Henry M. Morris, emphasized that “we must try not only to win individual scientists and educators to Christ, but also to win science...
Big Thicket National Preserve: Pitcher Plants and Busy Bees
In the early 1800s, pioneers of Southeast Texas initially avoided Big Thicket. Its more than three million acres embraced dense forests, swamps, and few people. Subsistence farmers soon penetrated the...
Epigenetic Mechanisms: Adaptive Master Regulators of th.,.
The field of epigenetics is one of the most exciting and rapidly expanding scientific research areas in the study of the genome and how it responds adaptively in organisms. The term epigenetics is derived...
The Myth of Tree Thinking
Staff Writer The instructions to build, maintain, and reproduce every kind of animal on Earth were placed within these organisms when the Lord Jesus created them. The totality of those instructions...
Creation Kids: Sounds of Summer
Designed by Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and activities...
Dethroning the Dogma "Mutations Occur at Random"
Honesty is good for the soul…especially when the evidence against you is piling up. Some evolutionary biologists held an astoundingly candid conference in Lisbon, Portugal, called On the Nature...
Solving the Mysterious Appearances of Duck-billed Dinosaurs
A new discovery of a duck-billed dinosaur was announced in southern Chile.1 And not only does this new dinosaur lack identifiable ancestors, it also has evolutionary scientists scrambling...
Behold Now, BEHEMOTH! | The Creation Podcast: Episode 51
The book of Job in the Old Testament mentions a rather unique creature that doesn't seem to fit any animal living today. While some commentators point to a hippo or a crocodile, others seem...
Insects Pollinated Earth's Earliest Flowering Plants
In Genesis 1 we read the land plants were created on Day 3 of the creation week, and living creatures were created on Days 5 and 6. This would include aquatic, flying, and terrestrial invertebrates...
In the Beginning | Creation.Live Podcast: Episode 14
Is Genesis literal history? Or is it some sort of mytho-historical narrative? Should we take what it says at face value? What's the real truth behind the Genesis account, particularly the first...
Chasing Fireflies
Chasing and capturing fireflies is a simple joy of childhood. But for evolutionary entomologist Christopher Heckscher, that joy never left. He has been publishing papers on fireflies for almost 20 years...
Incredible Honey Bees and Their Nest Constructing Skills
It seems not a month goes by that more remarkable discoveries are made regarding the humble honey bee. They have been found capable of basic math, of navigating using spatial memory, of counting,...
Your Bones Talk
The human skeleton hanging in the classroom often gives the impression that bones are inanimate objects, only serving as a structural support for the body. However, in the last several decades, scientists...
Trilobite Demise
One of the more amazing animals of God’s creation was the trilobite. This strange-looking creature was an ocean bottom-dwelling animal that remains one of the best-known Cambrian fossils. Many...
The Cognitive Map: An Incredible Display of the Brain&r.,.
To be spatially capable creatures, humans need their brains to tell them 1) where things are in relation to themselves and 2) where everything is in relation to everything else—the so-called allocentric...
Another Sea Scorpion
There are few animals more nightmarish than an 8-foot sea scorpion. Although, they were not true scorpions, their fossils display a menacing and formidable creature. The discovery of a giant fossilized...
Sauron Inhabits the Amazon
“The Eye was rimmed with fire, but was itself glazed, yellow as a cat’s, watchful and intent, and the black slit of its pupil opened on a pit, a window into nothing,” J.R.R. Tolkien...
June 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"From the rising of the sun to its going down the LORD's name is to be praised." Psalm 113:3 NKJV ICR June 2023 wallpaper is now available for mobile, tablet, and desktop! Download...
The Post-Flood Ark Dispersal and Early Pleistocene: Exe.,.
JUNE 01, 2023
Creation Research Society Quarterly. 60 (1): 29-37. Abstract This multidisciplinary research paper examines Genesis, Chapter 8:13-22 which is the immediate post-Flood phase of the global Genesis...
I Have NO Credentials! | The Creation Podcast: Episode 50
Do you need a science degree to be a champion of creation? How do we communicate the truths of Scripture to our friends and family? The good news is you don't need to be an expert to effectively...
Shark Jaws
Sharks are back in the news, and it’s in regard to their most formidable and fearsome structure—their jaws. Zoologists recently studied the lower jaws of a number of shark species along...
Established Day 4 | Creation.Live Podcast: Episode 13
Humans have long been fascinated by the night sky. As Psalm 19:1 reminds us, "The heavens declare the glory of God"—His creative signature can be seen across our universe. What are some...
Physical Evidence Trumps Evolution Theory
One of the hallmarks of good science is to formulate a cogent theory based on the physical evidence. For example, if the physical evidence (e.g. a fossilized human footprint trail or a fossil human...
Solar System Symmetries
Most all school children can recite the planets in our solar system using memory devices such as: “My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Names” or “My Very Educated Mother Just Served...
Does Iron Toast Union Rescue Long Ages?
The puzzle persists after all these years. On the one hand, biochemists perform decay rate studies that show biochemicals cannot last a million years in the best of conditions. On the other hand, paleontologists...
The Industrious Efficiency of Bees | The Creation Podca.,.
Bees? BEES! When it comes to these incredible insects, we often think of hives and honey—and stingers. But these little creatures are incredibly complex and are a vital part of our world.   Host...
Blinking Fish Transitioned to Land?
The mudskipper (Boleophthalmus caeruleomaculatus) of the order Perciformes, is a fascinating fish whose evolutionary origins are quite unknown. They supposedly ‘diverged’ from other bony...
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