ICR Kids’ Book: God Made Gorillas, God Made You | The Institute for Creation Research

ICR Kids’ Book: God Made Gorillas, God Made You

In the last few years, ICR has released numerous resources to help parents teach their children creation truth. Our Guide to… series is perfect for homeschoolers or anyone who wants a detailed, easily understood science resource. Science for Kids books contain kid-friendly, hand-painted illustrations and present one- to two-page science concepts in a fun, conversational style. Big Plans for Henry is a storybook about a duck-bill dinosaur’s journey through the pre-Flood World, and it has science and Bible fact boxes sprinkled throughout the pages. All of these publications were created with families and children in mind.

This week, ICR announced the release of a new picture book for young children. God Made Gorillas, God Made You uses creative rhyme and vivid artwork to teach foundational creation concepts. This 32-page book compares the abilities of people and animals while introducing several Bible-based truths:

• God created animals for a purpose.
• People have a higher purpose than animals.
• People are made in God’s image.
• Each person can use their God-given, uniquely human gifts to bless others.

The rhymes are fun and simple, sometimes humorous, yet they lay a solid creation foundation and emphasize the special abilities of human beings. The author, ICR editor Christy Hardy, says, “Children are constantly bombarded with the idea that they’re just another type of animal. But they’re not. They’re special creations made in God’s image. We want to give kids a better—and more biblical—message.”

ICR’s graphic designer Susan Windsor has painted watercolor art for over 20 years. Children will enjoy her life-like animal portraits throughout this book. She says, “We know that kids love animals, and creating this book was a fun way to also remind them of their great value in God’s eyes."

God Made Gorillas, God Made You is the perfect book to start teaching children and grandchildren about biblical creation. Tweet: God Made Gorillas, God Made You is the perfect book to start teaching children and grandchildren about biblical creation.

ICR Kids’ Book: God Made Gorillas, God Made You http://www.icr.org/article/god-made-gorillas-god-made-you


#ScienceForKids #Reading

ICR is working diligently to make the creation message accessible, understandable, and enjoyable for people of all ages. God Made Gorillas, God Made You is the perfect book to start teaching children and grandchildren about biblical creation.

Click here to order your copy of God Made Gorillas, God Made You.

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