Dr. Jeffrey P. Tomkins
Research Scientist

Dr. Tomkins earned a master’s degree in plant science in 1990 from the University of Idaho, where he performed research in plant hormones. He received his Ph.D. in genetics from Clemson University in 1996. While at Clemson, he worked as a research technician in a plant breeding/genetics program, with a research focus in the area of quantitative and physiological genetics in soybean. After receiving his Ph.D., he worked at a genomics institute and became a faculty member in the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry at Clemson. He had become a Christian as an undergraduate at Washington State University in 1982, with a goal to eventually work as a scientist and author in the creation science field. In 2009, Dr. Tomkins joined the Institute for Creation Research. He is the primary author of The Design and Complexity of the Cell and sole author of Chimps and Humans: A Geneticist Discovers DNA Evidence That Challenges Evolution and The Fossils Still Say No: Paleontology of the Global Flood; a co-author of Fascinating Creatures: Evidence of Christ's Handiwork; and a contributor to Guide to Creation BasicsCreation Basics & Beyond, Human Origins, Dinosaurs: Exploring Real-Life Dragons of History, Sea Creatures: Discovering God's Underwater Wonders, and Universe: Surveying God's Created Cosmos.

Available resources by Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins:

Click here for articles by Jeffrey Tomkins.

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Creation Science Journal Publications

  1. Tomkins, J. P. and T. L. Clarey. 2023. Developing A Comprehensive Model Of Global Flood Paleontology: Integrating The Biostratigraphic Record With Global Megasequence DepositionProceedings of the International Conference on Creationism. 9: 561-587, article 25.
  2. Boyle, M. J. et al. 2023. Testing the Cavefish Model: An Organism-Focused Theory of Biological DesignProceedings of the International Conference on Creationism. 9: 120-143, article 17.
  3. Tomkins, J. P. 2023. The Post-Flood Ark Dispersal and Early Pleistocene: Exegetical and Geological Notes on Genesis 8:13-22. Creation Research Society Quarterly. 60 (1): 29-37.
  4. Tomkins, J. P. 2023. The Receding Phase of the Genesis Flood: Exegetical and Geological Notes on Genesis 8:1-12. Creation Research Society Quarterly. 59 (4): 207-216.
  5. Tomkins, J. P. 2023. The Strange Endless Universe Cosmology of Open Theism. Journal of Dispensational Theology. 27 (75): 167-184.
  6. Tomkins, J. P. 2023. Open Theism: An Open Door for Evolution. Journal of Dispensational Theology. 27 (74): 63-78.
  7. Tomkins, J. P., S. Arledge, and R. J. Guliuzza. 2022. Catching the Vision: Blind Cave Fish (Astyanax mexicanus) as a Model System for Continuous Environmental Tracking and Adaptive Engineering. Creation Research Society Quarterly. 58 (4): 289-296.
  8. Tomkins, J. P. 2022. Chapter 7: A Creationist Perspective on the Diversity of Life, Biblical Kinds, and Adaptation. In Biblical Creation on Solid Ground. Ola Hossjer, ed. Uppsala, Sweden: Scandinavian School of Theology.
  9. Tomkins, J. P. and T. L. Clarey. 2021. South American Paleontology Supports a Neogene-Quaternary (N-Q) Flood Boundary. Journal of Creation. 36 (1): 17-20.
  10. Clarey, T. L., D. J. Werner, J. P. Tomkins. 2021. Globally-Extensive Cenozoic Coals Indicate High Post-Flood Boundary. Journal of Creation. 36 (1): 7-9.
  11. Tomkins, J. P. 2020. Out of Babel—not Africa: genetic evidence for a biblical model of human origins. Journal of Creation. 34 (1): 79-85.
  12. Tomkins, J. P. 2018. Comparison of 18,000 De Novo Assembled Chimpanzee Contigs to the Human Genome Yields Average BLASTN Alignment Identities of 84%. Answers Research Journal. 11: 205-209.
  13. Tomkins, J. P. 2018. Combinatorial genomic data refute the human chromosome 2 evolutionary fusion and build a model of functional design for interstitial telomeric repeats. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism. J. H. Whitmore, ed. Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship, 222-228.
  14. Tomkins, J. and J. Bergman. 2018. Developmental Gene Regulatory Networks - An Insurmountable Impediment To Evolution. Journal of Creation. 32 (2): 96-102.
  15. Tomkins, J. and J. Bergman. 2018. Is It Time To Make Human-Chimp Hybrids? Journal of Creation. 32 (2): 13-115.
  16. Tomkins, J. 2017. Debunking the Debunkers: A Response to Criticism and Obfuscation Regarding Refutation of the Human Chromosome 2 Fusion. Answers Research Journal. 10: 45-54.
  17. Tomkins, J. and J. Bergman. 2017. Neutral Model, Genetic Drift And The Third Way - A Synopsis Of The Self-Inflicted Demise Of The Evolutionary Paradigm. Journal of Creation. 31 (3): 94-102.
  18. Clarey, T. and J. Tomkins. 2016. An Investigation into an In Situ Lycopod Forest Site and Structural Anatomy Invalidates the Floating-Forest Hypothesis. Creation Research Society Quarterly Journal. 53: 110-122.
  19. Tomkins, J. 2016. Analysis of 101 Chimpanzee Trace Read Data Sets: Assessment of Their Overall Similarity to Human and Possible Contamination With Human DNA. Answers Research Journal. 9: 294-298.
  20. Tomkins, J. 2016. Human Uniqueness and Accelerated Storytelling: How Conserved Regulatory Regions in the Genome Challenge Evolution. Creation Research Society Quarterly Journal. 52: 256-264.
  21. Tomkins, J. 2015. Challenging the BioLogos Claim that a Vitellogenin (Egg-Laying) Pseudogene Exists in the Human Genome. Answers Research Journal. 8: 403-411.
  22. Tomkins, J. 2015. Documented Anomaly in Recent Versions of the BLASTN Algorithm and a Complete Reanalysis of Chimpanzee and Human Genome-Wide DNA Similarity Using Nucmer and LASTZ. Answers Research Journal. 8: 379-390.
  23. Tomkins, J. 2015. Empirical Genetic Clocks Give Biblical Timelines. Journal of Creation. 29 (2): 3-5.
  24. Tomkins, J. and J. Bergman. 2015. Evolutionary Molecular Genetic Clocks: A Perpetual Exercise in Futility and Failure. Journal of Creation. 29 (2): 26-35.
  25. Tomkins, J. 2015. Extreme Information: Biocomplexity of Interlocking Genome Languages. Creation Research Society Quarterly Journal. 51: 187–201.
  26. Tan, C. and J. Tomkins. 2015. Information Processing Differences Between Archaea and Eukarya—Implications for Homologs and the Myth of Eukaryogenesis. Answers Research Journal. 8: 121–141.
  27. Tan, C. and J. Tomkins. 2015. Information Processing Differences Between Bacteria and Eukarya—Implications for the Myth of Eukaryogenesis. Answers Research Journal. 8: 143–162.
  28. Clarey, T. and J. Tomkins. 2015. Determining Average Dinosaur Size Using the Most Recent Comprehensive Body Mass Data Set. Answers Research Journal. 8: 85–91.
  29. Thomas, B. and J. Tomkins. 2014. How Reliable Are Genomes from Ancient DNA? Journal of Creation. 28: 92-98.
  30. Tomkins, J. 2014. Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee. Creation Research Society Quarterly Journal. 50: 212–221.
  31. Tomkins, J. 2014. Solar-Powered Sea Slugs Defy Macro-Evolution and Horizontal Gene Transfer. Journal of Creation. 28: 97-103.
  32. Tomkins, J. 2014. Human–Chimp DNA Similarity: Separating Fact from Fiction. In Genesis & Genetics: Proceedings of the 2014 Faith & Science Conference, Springfield, Missouri.
  33. Tomkins, J. 2014. The Human GULO Pseudogene—Evidence for Evolutionary Discontinuity and Genetic Entropy. Answers Research Journal. 7: 91-101.
  34. Tomkins, J. 2013. Alleged Human Chromosome 2 “Fusion Site” Encodes an Active DNA Binding Domain Inside a Complex and Highly Expressed Gene—Negating Fusion. Answers Research Journal. 6: 367–375.
  35. Tomkins, J. and J. Bergman. 2013. Incomplete Lineage Sorting and Other ‘Rogue’ Data Fell the Tree of Life. Journal of Creation. 27: 63-71.
  36. Tomkins, J. 2013. The Human Beta-Globin Pseudogene Is Non-variable and Functional. Answers Research Journal. 6: 293-302.
  37. Tomkins, J. 2013. Comprehensive Analysis of Chimpanzee and Human Chromosomes Reveals Average DNA Similarity of 70%. Answers Research Journal. 6: 63-69.
  38. Tomkins, J. 2013. New Research Evaluating Similarities Between Human and Chimpanzee DNA. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Creationism. Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship.
  39. Bergman, J. and J. Tomkins. 2013. The Chasm Between the Human and Chimpanzee Genomes: A Review of the Evolutionary Literature. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Creationism. Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship.
  40. Tomkins, J. and J. Bergman. 2012. Genomic Monkey Business—Estimates of Nearly Identical Human-Chimp DNA Similarity Revaluated Using Omitted Data. Journal of Creation. 26: 94-100.
  41. Bergman, J. and J. Tomkins. 2012. Is the Human Genome Nearly Identical to Chimpanzee?—A Reassessment of the Literature. Journal of Creation. 26: 54-60.
  42. Tomkins, J. 2011. Genome-Wide DNA Alignment Similarity (Identity) for 40,000 Chimpanzee DNA Sequences Queried Against the Human Genome Is 86-89%. Answers Research Journal. 4: 233-241.
  43. Tomkins, J. 2011. The Junk DNA Myth Takes a Well-Deserved Hit. A review of The Myth of Junk DNA by Jonathan Wells. Journal of Creation. 25: 23-27.
  44. Tomkins, J. 2011. Response to Comments On "How Genomes are Sequenced and Why it Matters: Implications for Studies in Comparative Genomics of Humans and Chimpanzees." Answers Research Journal. 4: 161-162.
  45. Tomkins, J. 2011. How Genomes Are Sequenced and Why It Matters: Implications for Studies in Comparative Genomics of Humans and Chimpanzees. Answers Research Journal. 4: 81-88.
  46. Bergman, J and J. Tomkins. 2011. The Chromosome 2 Fusion Model of Human Evolution—part 1: Re-Evaluating the Evidence. Journal of Creation. 25: 106-110.
  47. Tomkins, J. and J. Bergman. 2011. The Chromosome 2 Fusion Model of Human Evolution—part 2: Re-Analysis of the Genomic Data. Journal of Creation. 25: 111-127.
  48. Tomkins, J. and J. Bergman. 2011. Telomeres: Implications for Aging and Evidence for Intelligent Design. Journal of Creation. 25: 86-97.

Secular Journal Publications

  1. Haddad, N. J., N. Adjlane, D. Saini, A. Menon, V. Krishnamurthy, D. Jonklaas, J. P. Tomkins, W. Loucif-Ayad, L. Horth. 2018. Whole Genome sequencing of North African honey bees, Apis mellifera intermissa to assess its beneficial traits. Entomological Research. 48: 174-186.
  2. Lenz, A., J. Tomkins, A. Fabich. 2015. Draft Genome Sequence of Citrobacter rodentium DBS100 (ATCC 51459), a Primary Model of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Virulence. Genome Announcements Volume 3 Issue 3 e00415-15
  3. Blair M., N. Hurtado, C. Chavarro, M. Munoz-Torres, M. Giraldo, F. Pedraza, J. Tomkins, Wing R. 2011. Gene-Based SSR Markers for Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Derived From Root and Leaf Tissue ESTs. BMC Plant Biology. Mar 22;11:50. PMCID: PMC3068092
  4. Zuccolo A., J. Bowers , J. Estill, Z. Xiong, M. Luo, A. Sebastian, J. Goicoechea, K. Collura , Y. Yu, Y. Jiao, J. Duarte, H. Tang, S. Ayyampalayam, S. Rounsley, D. Kudma, A. Paterson, J. Pires, A. Chanderbali, D. Soltis, S. Chamala, B. Barbazuk, P. Soltis, V. Albert, H. Ma, D. Mandoli, J. Banks, J. Carlson, J. Tomkins , C. Depamphilis, R. Wing, J. Leebens-Mack. 2011. A Physical Map for the Amborella trichopoda Genome Sheds Light on the Evolution of Angiosperm Genome Structure. Genome Biology. 27;12(5):R48.
  5. Fang, G. C., B. P. Blackmon, D. C. Henry, M. E. Staton, C. A. Saski, S. A. Hodges, H. Luo, and J. P. Tomkins. 2010. Genomic Tools Development for Aquilegia: Construction of a BAC-Based Physical Map. BMC Genomics 11:621.
  6. Adelberg, J.W., M.P. Delgado, J. P. Tomkins. 2010. Spent Medium Analysis for Liquid Culture Micropropagation of Hemerocallis on Murashige and Skoog Medium. In Vitro Cellular Developmental Biology 46:95-107.
  7. Sisco, P.H., R.R. Sederoff, J. P. Tomkins, J.E. Carlson, T.L. Kubisiak, M.E. Staton, F.V. Hebard, S.L. Anagnostakis, W.A. Powell, and C.P. Smith. 2009. The United States National Science Foundation Project on Developing Genomic Tools for the Study of the Fagaceae: Castanea, Quercus, and Fagus. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 844:267-274.
  8. Zhu, S., C. Saski, H. Boerma, J. P. Tomkins, J. All and W.A. Parrott. 2009. Construction of a BAC Library for a Defoliating Insect-Resistant Soybean and Identification of Candidate Clones Using a Novel Approach. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter . 27:229-235.
  9. Wilfert, L., M. Munoz-Torres, C. Reber-Funk, R. Schmid-Hempel, J. Tomkins, J.Gadau, and P. Schmid-Hempel. 2009. Construction and Characterization of a BAC-Library for a Key Pollinator, the Bumblebee Bombus terrestris. L. Insectus Sociaux. doi: 10.1007/s00040-008-1034-1.
  10. Schlueter, J., J. Goicoechea, K. Collura, N. Gill, J. Lin, Y. Yu, D. Kudrna, A. Zuccolo, C. Vallejos, M. Torres, M. Blair, J. Tohme, J. Tomkins, P. McClean, R. Wing and S. Jackson. 2008. BAC-end Sequence Analysis and a Draft Physical Map of the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genome. Tropical Plant Biology. 1:40-48.
  11. Wu, Y., D.C. Henry, K. Heim, J. P. Tomkins, and C.Y. Kuan. 2008. Straw Blood Cell Count, Growth, Inhibition and Comparison to Apoptotic Bodies. BMC Cell Biology. 9:26 doi: 10.1186/1471-2121-9-26.
  12. Xu, Z., R. J. Kohel1, S. G. Song, J. Cho, J. Yu, S. Yu, J. P. Tomkins, and J. Z. Yu. 2008. An Integrated Genetic and Physical Map of Homeologous Chromosomes 12 and 26 in Upland Cotton (G. hirsutum L.). BMC Genomics. 9:108. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-9-108.
  13. Lewers, K.S., C.A. Saski, B.J. Cuthbertson, D.C. Henry, M.E. Staton, D.S. Main, A.L. Dhanaraj, L.J. Rowland  and J. P. Tomkins. 2008. A Blackberry (Rubus L.) Expressed Sequence Tag Library for the Development of Simple Sequence Repeat Markers. BMC Plant Biology. 8:69 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-8-69
  14. Zhebentyayeva, T.N., G.Swire-Clark, L.L. Georgi, L. Garay, S. Jung, S. Forrest, D. Main, B. Blackmon, J. Tomkins, W.V. Baird, G.L. Reighard, AG Abbott. 2008. A Framework Physical Map for Peach a Model Rosaceae Species. Tree Genetics and Genomes. http://www.springerlink.com doi:10.1007/s11295-008-0147-z.
  15. Shoemaker, R., D. Grant, T. Olson, W. Warren, R. Wing, Y. Yu, H. Kim, P. Cregan, B. Joseph, M. Futrell-Griggs, W. Nelson, J. Davito, J. Walker, J. Wallis, C. Kremitski, D. Scheer, S. Clifton, T. Graves, H. Nguyen, X. Wu, M. Luo, J. Dvorak, R. Nelson, S. Cannon, J. Tomkins, J. Schmutz, G. Stacey, and S. Jackson. 2008. Microsatellite Discovery from BAC End Sequences and Genetic Mapping to Anchor the Soybean Physical and Genetic Maps. Genome. 51:294-302
  16. Saski, C., S. Lee, S. Fjellheim, C. Guda, R. Jansen, H. Luo, J. Tomkins, O. Rognli, H. Daniell, Jihong Liu Clarke. 2007. Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Hordeum vulgare, Sorghum bicolor and Agrostis stolonifera, and Comparative Analyses With Other Grass Genomes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 115:1432-2242.
  17. Wu, Y., R.C. Laughlin, D.C. Henry, D.E. Krueger, J.S. Hudson, C.Y. Kuan, J. He, J. Reppert, J. P. Tomkins. 2007. Naturally Occurring and Stress Induced Tubular Structures from Mammalian Cells, a Survival Mechanism. BMC Cell Biology. 16:8-36.
  18. Dunning Hotopp, J., M. Clark, D. Oliveira, J. Foster, P. Fischer, M. Torres, J. Giebel, S. Wang, J. Ingram, R. Nene, J. Shepard, N. Ishmael, N. Kumar, J. Tomkins, S. Richards, D. Spiro, E. Ghedin, B. Slatko, H. Tettelin, J. Werren. 2007. Widespread Lateral Gene Transfer from Bacteria to Eukaryotes. Science. 317:1753-1756.
  19. Adelberg, J., M.P. Delgado, and J. P. Tomkins. 2007. In Vitro Sugar and Water Use in Diploid and Tetraploid Genotypes of Daylily (Hemerocallis spp.) in Liquid Medium as Affected by Density and Plant Growth Regulators. HortScience. 42:325-328.
  20. Normand, P., P. Lapierre, L. Tisa, J. Gogarten, N. Alloisio1, E. Bagnarol1, C. Bassi, A. Berry, D. Bickhart, N. Choisne, A. Couloux, B. Cournoyer, S. Cruveiller, V. Daubin, N. Demange, M. Francino, E. Goltsman, Y. Huang, O. Kopp, L. Labarre, A. Lapidus, C. Lavire1, J. Marechal1, M. Martinez, J. Mastronunzio, B. Mullin, J. Niemann, P. Pujic, T. Rawnsley, Z. Rouy, C. Schenowitz6, A. Sellstedt, F. Tavares, J. P. Tomkins, D. Vallenet, C. Valverde, L. Wall, Y. Wang, C. Medigue, and D. R. Benson. 2007. Genome Characteristics of Facultatively Symbiotic Frankia sp. Strains Reflect Host Range and Host Plant Biogeography. Genome Research. 17:7-15.
  21. Liang, H., E.G. Fang, J. P. Tomkins, M. Luo, D. Kudrna, K. Arumuganathan, S. Zhao, S.E. Schlarbaum, , J.A. Banks, C.W. dePamphilis, D.F. Mandoli, R.A. Wing, and J.E. Carlson, 2007. Development of a BAC Library resource for yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera ) and the identification of genomic regions Associated With Flower Development and Lignin Biosynthesis. Tree Genetics and Genomes. http://www.springerlink.com doi:10.1007 s11295-006-0057-x.
  22. Cunningham, C, J. Hikima, M.J. Jenny, R.W. Chapman, G.C. Fang, C. Saski, M.L. Lundqvist, R.A. Wing, P.M. Cupit, P.S. Gross, G.W. Warr, J. P. Tomkins. 2006. New Resources for Marine Genomics: Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Libraries for the Eastern and Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea virginica and C. gigas). Marine Biotechnology. 8:521-533.
  23. Blenda, A., J. Scheffler, B. Scheffler, M. Palmer, J. Lacape, C, Jesudurai, Sook Jung, S, Muthukumar, P. Yellambalase, S. Ficklin, M. Staton, R. Eschelman, M. Ulloa, S. Saha, B. Burr, S. Lui, T. Zhang, D. Fang, J. Yu, A. Pepper, S. Kumpatla, J. Jacobs, J. Tomkins, R. Cantrell, and D. Main. 2006. CMD: A Cotton Microsatellite Database Resource for Gossypium Genomics. BMC Bioinformatics. (http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/
  24. Jansen R.K., C. Kaittanis, S.B. Lee, C. Saski, J. Tomkins, A.J. Alverson, H. Daniell. 2006. Phylogenetic Analyses of Vitis (Vitaceae) Based on Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequences: Effects of Taxon Sampling and Phylogenetic Methods on Resolving Relationships Among Rosids. BMC Evolutionary Biology. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/7
  25. Daniell, H., S. Lee, J. Grevich, C. Saski, Quesada-Vargas T. Guda, J. Tomkins, and R. Jansen. 2006. Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequences of Solanum bulbocastanum, Solanum lycopersicum and Comparative Analyses With Other Solanaceae Genomes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 112:1503-1518.
  26. Frelichowski, J.E., Jr, M. Palmer, D. Main, J. P. Tomkins, R.G. Cantrell, D. Stelly, J. Yu, R.J. Kohel, M. Ulloa. 2006. Cotton Genome Mapping With New Microsatellites from Acala 'Maxxa' BAC-ends. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 275:479-491.
  27. Danko, A.S., C.A. Saski, J. P. Tomkins, and D. L. Freedman. 2006. Involvement of Coenzyme M During Aerobic Biodegradation of Vinyl Chloride and Ethene by Pseudomonas strain AJ and Ochrobactrum strain TD. J. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 72:3756-3758.
  28. Saski C., S. Lee, H. Daniell, T. Wood, J. Tomkins, H. Kim, and R. Jansen. 2005. Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Glycine max and Comparative Analyses With Other Legume Genomes. Plant Molecular Biology. 59:309-322.
  29. Ammiraju, J.S., M. Luo, J.L. Goicoechea, W. Wang, D. Kudrna, C. Mueller, J. Talag, H. Kim, N.B. Sisneros, B. Blackmon, E. Fang, J. P. Tomkins, D. Brar, David MacKill, S. McCouch, N. Kurata, G. Lambert, D.W. Galbraith, K. Arumuganathan, K. Rao, J.G. Walling, N. Gill, Y. Yu, P. SanMiguel, C. Soderlund, S. Jackson and R.A. Wing. 2005. The Oryza Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library Resource: Construction and Analysis of 12 Deep-Coverage Large-Insert BAC Libraries That Represent the 10 Genomes Types of the Genus Oryza. Genome Research. 16:140-147.
  30. Adelberg, J.W., M.P. Delgado and J. P. Tomkins. 2005. Ancymidol and Liquid Media Improve Micropropagation of Hemerocallis Hybrid cv. 'Todd Monroe' on a thin Film Bioreactor. J. Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 80:774-778.
  31. Margulies, E.H. NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, V.V. Maduro, P. J. Thomas, J. P. Tomkins, C.T. Amemiya, M. Luo, and E.D. Green. 2005. Comparative Sequencing Provides Insights About the Structure and Conservation of Marsupial and Monotreme Genomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 102:3354-3359.
  32. Horn, R., A. Lecouls, A. Callahan, A. Dandekar, L. Garay, P. McCord, W. Howad, H. Chan, I. Verde, D. Main, S. Jung, L. Georgi, S. Forrest, J. Mook, T. Zhebentyayeva, Y. Yu, H. Kim, C. Jesudurai, B. Sosinski, P. Arus, V. Baird, D. Parfitt, G. Reighard, R. Scorza, J. Tomkins, R. Wing, and A. Abbott. 2005. Candidate Gene Database and Transcript Map for Peach, a Model Species for Fruit Trees. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 110:1419-1428.
  33. Wang, W., M. Tanurdzic, M. Luo, N. Sisneros, H. Kim, J. Weng, D. Kudrna, C. Mueller, K. Arumuganathan, J. Carlson, C. Chapple, C. dePamphilis, D. Mandoli, J. Tomkins, R. Wing, and J. Banks. 2005. Construction of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library from the Spikemoss Selaginella moellendorffii: A Resource for Plant Comparative Genomics. BMC Plant Biology. 5:10 doi:1186/1471-2229-5-10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/5
  34. Jung, S, A. Abbott, C. Jesudurai, J. Tomkins and D. Main. 2005. Frequency, Type, Localization and Annotation of Simple Sequence Repeats in Rosaceae ESTs. Functional and Integrative Genomics. 5:136-143.
  35. Tomkins, J., M. Fregene, D. Main, H. Kim, R. Wing, and J. Tohme. 2004. Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) Library Resource for Positional Cloning of Pest and Disease Resistance Genes in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Plant Molecular Biology. 56:555-561.
  36. Jung, S., C. Jesudurai, M. Staton, Z. Du, I. Cho, A. Abbott, J. Tomkins, and D. Main. 2004. GDR: Genome Database for Rosaceae: Integrated Web Resources for Rosaceae Genomics and Genetics Research. BMC Bioinformatics. 5:130 (http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/
  37. Sajjaphan, K, N. Shapir, L. Wackett, M. Palmer, B. Blackmon, J. Tomkins, and M. Sadowsky. 2004. Arthrobacter aurescens TC1 Atrazine Catabolism Genes trzN, atzB, and atzC are Linked on a 160-kilobase Region and are Functional in Escherichia coli. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 70:4402-4407.
  38. Tomkins, J. P., M. Luo, G.C. Fang, D. Main, J.L. Goicoechea, M. Atkins, D.A. Frisch, R.E. Page, E. Guzman-Novoa, G. Hunt, and R.A. Wing. 2002. New Genomic Resources for Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.); Development of a deep-coverage BAC library and a preliminary STC database. Genetics and Molecular Research. 4:306-316.
  39. Chen, M, G. Presting, W. Barbazuk, J. Goicoechea, B. Blackmon, G. Fang, H. Kim, D. Frisch, Y. Yu, S. Sun, S. Higingbottom, J. Phimphilai, D. Phimphilai, S. Thurmond, B. Gaudette, P. Li, J. Liu, J. Hatfield, D. Main, K. Farrar, C. Henderson, L. Barnett, R. Costa, B. Williams, S. Walser, M. Atkins, C. Hall, M. Budiman, J. Tomkins, M. Luo, I. Bancroft, J. Salse, F. Regad, T. Mohapatra, N. Singh, A. Tyagi, C. Soderlund, R. Dean, and R.Wing. 2002. An Integrated Physical and Genetic Map of the Rice Genome. The Plant Cell. 14: 537-545.
  40. Tomkins, J. P., G. Davis, D. Main, N. Duru, T. Musket, J.L. Goicoechea, D.A. Frisch, E.H. Coe Jr.,and R.A. Wing. 2002. Construction and Characterization of a Deep-Coverage Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library for Maize. Crop Science. 42:928-933.
  41. Tomkins, J. P., D.G. Peterson, T.J. Yang, D. Main, E.F. Ablett, R.J. Henry, L.S. Lee, T.A. Holton, D. Waters and R.A. Wing 2001. Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) BAC Library Construction, Preliminary STC analysis, and Identification of Clones Associated with Flavonoid and Stilbene Biosynthesis. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 52:287-291.
  42. Tomkins, J. P., D.G. Peterson, T.J. Yang, D. Main, T.A. Wilkins, A.H. Paterson, R.A. Wing. 2001. Development of Genomic Resources for Cotton (Gosypium hirsutum): BAC Library Development, Preliminary STC Analysis, and Identification of Clones Associated With Fiber Development. Molecular Breeding. 8:255-261.
  43. Martinez, B., J. P. Tomkins, L. P. Wackett, R. Wing, and M. J. Sadowsky. 2001. Complete Nucleotide Sequence and Organization of Catabolic Plasmid pADP-1 from Pseudomonas sp. Strain ADP. Journal of Bacteriology. 183:5684-5697.
  44. Tomkins, J. P., T.C. Wood, M.G. Stacey, J.T. Loh, A. Judd, J. L. Goicoechea, G. Stacey, M.J. Sadowsky, and R.A. Wing. 2001. A Marker-Dense Physical Map of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum Genome. Genome Research. 11:1434-1440.
  45. Tomkins, J. P., T. Wood, A. Westman, L.S. Barnes, and R.A. Wing. 2001. Evaluation of Genetic Variation in the Daylily (Hemerocallis spp.) Using AFLP Markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 102:489-496.
  46. Yu, Y., J. P. Tomkins, R. Waugh, D. A. Frisch, D. Kudrna, A. Kleinhofs, R. S. Brueggeman, G. J. Muehlbauer, R. P. Wise, R. A. Wing. 2000. A Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library for Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and the Identification of Clones Containing Putative Resistance Genes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 101:1093-1099.
  47. Lin, Y., X. Draye, X. Qian, S. Ren, L. Zhu, J. P. Tomkins, R. Wing, Z. Li, and A. H. Paterson. 2000. Locus-specific contig assembly in highly-duplicated genomes using the BAC-RF method. Nucleic Acids Research. Vol 28, article e23.
  48. Druka, A., D. Kudrna, F. Han, A. Kilian, B. Steffenson, D. Frisch; J. Tomkins, R. Wing, A. Kleinhofs. 2000. Physical Mapping of the Barley Stem Rust Resistance Gene rpg4. Molecular and General Genetics. 264:283-290.
  49. Shipe, E.R., J.D. Mueller, S.A Lewis, P.F. Williams, and J. P. Tomkins. 2000. Registration of 'Musen' Soybean. Crop Science. 40:1496-1497.
  50. Shipe, E.R., J.D. Mueller, S.A Lewis, P.F. Williams, and J. P. Tomkins. 2000. Registration of 'Motte' Soybean. Crop Science. 40:1497-1498.
  51. Mao, L., T.C. Wood, Y. Yu, M.A. Budiman, J. P. Tomkins, S. Woo, M. Sasinowski, G. Presting, D. Frisch, S. Goff, R.A. Dean, and R.A. Wing. 2000. Rice Transposable Elements: A Survey of 73,000 Sequence-Tagged Connectors. Genome Research. 10:982-990.
  52. Peterson, D., J. P.Tomkins, D.A. Frisch, R.A. Wing, and A.P. Paterson. 2000. Construction of Plant Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) Libraries: an Illustrated Guide. Journal of Agricultural Genomics. Vol 5 (http://www.ncgr.org/research/jag/index.
  53. Tomkins, J. P., H. Miller-Smith, M. Sasinowski, S. Choi, H. Sasinowska, M. Verce, D.L. Freedman, R.A. Dean, and R.A. Wing. 1999. Physical Map and Gene Survey of the Ochrobactrum anthropi Genome Using Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Contigs. Microbial and Comparative Genomics. 4:203-217.
  54. Tomkins, J. P., R. Mahalingham, H. Miller-Smith, J.L. Goicoechea, H.T. Knapp, and R.A. Wing. 1999. A Soybean Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library for PI 437654 and the Identification of Clones Associated With Cyst Nematode Resistance. Plant Molecular Biology. 41:25-32.
  55. Tomkins, J. P., Y. Yu, H. Miller-Smith, D.A. Frisch, S. Woo, and R.A. Wing. 1999. A Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library for Sugarcane. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 99:419-424.
  56. Shipe, E.R., J.D. Mueller, S.A Lewis, P.F. Williams, and J. P. Tomkins. 1997. Registration of 'Dillon' Soybean. Crop Science. 37:1983.
  57. Tomkins, J. P., and E.R. Shipe. 1997. Environmental Adaptation of Long-Juvenile Soybean Cultivars and Elite Strains. Agronomy Journal. 89:257-262.
  58. Tomkins, J. P., and E.R. Shipe. 1996. Soybean Growth and Agronomic Performance in Response to the Long-Juvenile trait. Crop Science. 36:1144-1149.
  59. Tomkins, J. P., and M.H. Hall. 1991. Stimulation of Alfalfa Bud and Shoot Development With Cytokinins. Agronomy Journal. 83:577-581.

Secular Book Chapters

  1. Cuthbertson, B., J. Rickey, Y. Wu, G. Powell, and J. Tomkins. 2006. Exploitation of the Daylily Petal Senescence Model as a Source for Novel Proteins that Regulate Programmed Cell Death in Plants. Y. Blume, D.J. Durzan, and P. Smertenko (editors). In Volume 371 NATO Science Series: Life and Behavioural Sciences. Cell Biology and Instrumentation: UV Radiation, Nitric Oxide and Cell Death in Plants. Pages 297-306. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  2. Tomkins, J. P., T.C. Wood, and D. Main. 2005. DNA Sequencing for Genome Analysis. In Analytical Techniques in DNA Sequencing. B.K. Nunnally (editor). Pp. 157-176. Taylor & Francis Books Inc, Boca Raton, FL.
  3. Normand, P., S. Felix, N. Alloisio, J. Marechal, C. Lavire, A. Berry, B. Mullin, J. Tomkins, N. Choisne, N. Demange, T. Cong, A. Coulloux, D. Vallenet, S. Cruveiller and C. Medigue. 2005. Toward Deciphering the Genome of Frankia alni strain ACN14a. In Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment. Book Series: Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture (vol 41). Springer Press, Netherlands.
  4. Wood, T.C. and J. P. Tomkins. 2004. Genomic Sequencing. In Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. R.A. Meyers (editor). Vol. 5. Pages 513-536. Wiley-VCH Verlag Publishing. Weinheim, Germany.
  5. Tomkins, J. P. 2003. Plant Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Libraries: Advances in Their Development and Application. In Recent Research Developments in Plant Molecular Biology. Pp. 139 to 156. Research Signpost Publishers, Kerala, India.
  6. Gemmill, R., R. Bolin, H. Albertson, J. P. Tomkins, and R.A. Wing. 2001. Pulsed-Field Electrophoresis for Long-Range Restriction Mapping. In Current Protocols in Human Genetics. Pp. 5.1.1 to 5.1.28. John Wiley and Sons Inc., N.Y., N.Y.
  7. Tomkins, J., H. Smith, J. Loh, A. Judd, D. Frisch, G. Stacey, M. Sadowsky, and R. Wing. 2000. Development of a Physical Map and Sequence Tagged Connector Framework for the Bradyrhizobium japonicum Genome. In Nitrogen Fixation: From Molecules to Crop Productivity. Book Series: Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture (vol 38). Springer Press, Netherlands.