The Flood Explains Cold Slabs Deep in the Mantle
Two recent studies by different groups have concluded essentially the same thing: there are mysterious cold rock slabs at the bottom of Earth’s mantle that cannot be explained by conventional theories.1,2 Geophysicists typically color these colder rocks blue, as shown in the image. For decades, the mantle was thought to be fairly homogenous, or well-mixed. Most geology students are taught that the mantle, which composes about 80% of the earth by volume, is stirred thoroughly...
G1 Conference - Rocklin, CA
Feb 22 - Feb 22, 2025
Dr. Randy Guliuzza will be a featured speaker at this year's G1 Conference hosted at William Jessup University in Rocklin, CA by Genesis A...
Lessons from Amos: Don't Pass Through Beersheba
“But...pass not to Beersheba.” (Amos 5:5) Beersheba (well of the “sevens”) became a location of some importance in Israel’s early history. Hagar, the Egyptian bondwoman who bore Ishmael,...
The Latest
Creation Kids: Lightning!
by Michael Stamp and Susan Windsor* You're never too young to be a creation scientist and explore our Creator's world. Kids, discover...

When Is Dry Desert a Navigable River?
Should a desert’s dryland arroyo that goes a year or more without any rainfall be called a “wetland” or a “navigable river”?1 Consider...

Sequoia National Park: Giant Trees Exhibit Expert Engineering
Question: What are the biggest trees on planet Earth? Answer: Giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum).1 They grow on west-facing slopes...

Jesus—There’s Just Something About That Name
A nurse who worked with me would pleasantly call in patients by saying, “Mr._____, it’s checkup time!” Periodic checkups are good....

What Is Truth?
Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born,...

The 3-D Genome: A Marvel of Adaptive Engineering
In eukaryotes, which are organisms with nucleated cells, the vast majority of hereditary and coded information is stored, copied, and replicated...

The Flood Explains Cold Slabs Deep in the Mantle
Two recent studies by different groups have concluded essentially the same thing: there are mysterious cold rock slabs at the bottom of Earth’s...

Grand Tetons and Great Sand Dunes – Remnants of a Global Flood...
America is home to stunning forests, mountains, monuments, and other wondrous features. The unique beauty of many of these locations has prompted...

Huge Volcanic Event on Jupiter's Moon Io
Jupiter’s moon Io is the most volcanically active body in our solar system, and NASA’s Juno spacecraft recently detected the largest volcanic...

ICR Scientist Publishes Dino Protein in Mainstream Journal
Conventional thinking relegates creationists—folks who believe that God created the world only thousands of years ago—to quack science....

Kids on Mission

Kids on Mission

Embark on a fun adventure with Kids on Mission this summer! Registration opens April 4—join us for exciting new challenges!


A Catastrophic Geological Event #podcast #science

Are Humans Animals?

Darwin's Dilemma: The Flaws of Natural Selection
Creation Connection Ep. 5

Grand Tetons and Great Sand Dunes – Remnants of a Global Flood
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