Dr. Tim Clarey and Dr. Randy Guliuzza will speak on biblical creation at Grace Bible Church in Tempe, Arizona. Find out how current scientific evidence supports recent creation and the worldwide Flood. From soft tissue found in dinosaur bones to the way creatures adapt to changing environments, Drs. Clarey and Guliuzza will demonstrate how scientific data fit perfectly with a straightforward interpretation of Scripture.
Date: Jun 3, 2018
Schedule6:00 p.m. Dr. Tim Clarey "Do Dinosaurs Support Evolutionary Theory?"
6:50 p.m. Break
7:10 p.m. Dr. Randy Guliuzza "Evolution vs. Design: 3 Key Questions"
Grace Bible Church
7440 S. Priest Dr.
Tempe AZ 85283
For more information, please call 480.968.6085 or visit gbcaz.org.