Dates: Aug 25, 2018 - Aug 26, 2018


Have you wondered how the creation story of Genesis fits with the evolutionary theories of popular science? You’re not alone. Many Christians wrestle with the seeming disparity between faith and science. They want to believe the inerrancy of Scripture, but it’s difficult to reconcile their beliefs with what science texts teach. The Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis Conference, held at First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, seeks to resolve this conflict by answering key questions about the origin of human life, the age of the universe, and how scientific evidence lines up with the Bible.



Time Session
8:00 a.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
9:00 a.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
9:30 a.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
10:00 a.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
10:30 a.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
12:00 p.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
12:30 p.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
1:00 p.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
1:30 p.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
2:00 p.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
2:30 p.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
3:00 p.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
4:00 p.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
4:30 p.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
5:00 p.m. Dinosaur Fossil Walk with ICR Scientists (booked up)
Sunday Morning
Time Session
9:15 a.m. K-4th Grade: “Doodlebugs, Dinosaurs, and Dodo Birds” (Ms. Durant) 5th-6th Grade: “Space: God’s Majestic Handiwork” (Dr. Hebert) 7th-8th Grade: “Discovering Dinosaurs” (Mr. Thomas) 9th-12th Grade: “Scientific Evidences for Creation” (Mr. Sherwin) Worship Service: “Five Reasons for Recent Creation” (Dr. Morris) - Worship Center
10:50 a.m. Worship Service: “Five Reasons for Recent Creation” (Dr. Morris) - Worship Center
11:00 a.m. Worship Service: “Three Key Questions about Evolution vs. Design” (Dr. Guliuzza) - Historic Sanctuary
Sunday Evening
Time Session
5:00 p.m. “Discovering Dinosaurs” (Mr. Thomas) “Designed to Adapt: Cutting Edge Thinking on Biological Change” (Dr. Guliuzza) “Monkey Business in the Chimp Genome” (Dr. Tomkins) “Ancient History Corroborates Genesis History” (Dr. Johnson) “What Your Child Needs to Know about Creation” (Ms. Durant)
5:00 p.m. (continued) “The Truth about the Global Flood” (Dr. Clarey) “The Mystery of the Ice Age” (Dr. Hebert) “Vestigial Organs, from 100 to None” (Dr. Bergman) “The Wonderful Oceans” (Mr. Sherwin)  
5:40 p.m. Break
5:55 p.m. “Discovering Dinosaurs” (Mr. Thomas) “Designed to Adapt: Cutting Edge Thinking on Biological Change” (Dr. Guliuzza) “Monkey Business in the Chimp Genome” (Dr. Tomkins) “Ancient History Corroborates Genesis History” (Dr. Johnson) “What Your Child Needs to Know about Creation” (Ms. Durant)
5:55 p.m. (continued) “The Truth about the Global Flood” (Dr. Clarey) “The Mystery of the Ice Age” (Dr. Hebert) “Vestigial Organs, from 100 to None” (Dr. Bergman) “The Wonderful Oceans” (Mr. Sherwin)  
6:35 p.m. Break
6:50 p.m. “The Work of His Hands” (Col. Williams)
7:30 p.m. Meet and Greet with ICR Speakers

First Baptist Church
1707 San Jacinto st.
Dallas, TX 75201


Dinosaur Fossil Walks (booked up)

Regrettably, all Dinosaur Fossil Walk time slots have been filled to capacity. The fossil exhibit will be on display Sunday, August 22nd. Please feel free to take a self-guided tour. Registration is NOT required to attend the Sunday sessions.

For more information, please call 214.969.0111 or visit

Map and Directions