remnant of her seed
Revelation 12:17
12:17 remnant of her seed. This reference to the “seed of the woman” undoubtedly is reminiscent of God’s Protevangelic promise in Genesis 3:15. When the beast, who is in a very special sense, the “seed of the serpent,” is thwarted in his attempt to destroy the fleeing Israelites of Jerusalem, he will turn his wrath against those men and women all over the world, whether Jews or Gentiles, who “keep the commandments of God”—that is, especially those refusing to worship his image which has been installed in the temple at Jerusalem—and who bear testimony of their faith in Jesus Christ. All these are the true spiritual seed of the woman, and since the dragon cannot get at the heavenly Seed, he will seek to destroy the “remnant of her seed.” But they will “overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony” and even by a victorious martyr’s death (Revelation 12:11).