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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
13:32 neither the Son. This limitation obviously must apply only to Christ in His humanity. When He became a man, leaving His outward attributes of deity in heaven, “in all things it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren” (Hebrews 2:17), except, of course, for sin. As a babe, He “increased in wisdom and stature” like any other human (Luke 2:52). Though, as a man, He acquired great wisdom in the Scriptures and the plan of God, the time of the end depends in some degree on human activity (e.g., Matthew 24:14), and only God in His omniscience can foresee this. In no way, however, does this compromise the deity of Christ. The problem is that we, in our finite understanding, can never comprehend fully the mystery of the divine/human nature of Christ, nor of the tri-unity of the Godhead. On some occasions, Christ clearly manifested His deity, on others His humanity.
13:37 Watch. The frequent injunction of Christ “unto all” to “watch” for His return seems to make it clear that it could come at any time. We do not need to watch first for certain other events to take place, but only to watch continuously for Him. This is a great incentive to godly living and evangelism.