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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
16:7 I go away. Instead of an occasion for sorrow, it was good that the Son should return to the Father. He had assumed a human body, and thus could henceforth be only in one place at a time, like other human beings. In His Spirit, however, He could be with all His disciples in all ages throughout the whole world, for the Spirit is invisible and omnipresent.
16:7 the Comforter. The Comforter is the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), the “Spirit of Truth” (John 15:26), the “paraklete” (Greek—that is, “the one called alongside”). He will come from the Father through the Son (John 15:26), and this He does eternally, for every believer.
16:8 when he. Note that the Holy Spirit is “He,” not “it.” He is the third Person of the triune Godhead, not a spiritual influence of some kind. The Greek word (pneuma) is neuter, sometimes translated also as “wind” or “breath.” Consequently, the pronoun “it” has occasionally been used when referring to the Holy Spirit, even in the King James translation. This should be corrected to “He” or “Him” whenever that is the meaning. It is correctly translated thus in every case here in the Lord’s message in John 14, 15 and 16.
16:8 reprove. Here “reprove” has the thrust of “convict” or “bring under conviction.” Thus, in addition to His personal ministry to each believer, the Holy Spirit also has a ministry to the ungodly world at large, speaking to each unbeliever regarding his need of salvation, and restraining general wickedness (see note on II Thessalonians 2:6-7).