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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
7:9 Ancient of days. The “Ancient of days” seems to be the Father (Daniel 7:13) receiving the Son of man, yet His appearance is like that of the Son of man as described in Revelation 1:13-15. This phenomenon emphasizes the doctrine of the Trinity—one God in three persons, but not three Gods. “The “wheels” associated with the throne may suggest the cherubim (Ezekiel 1).
7:12 prolonged. The fourth beast kingdom, led by the Beast, who is the man of sin, with all who have received his “mark” (Revelation 13:18; 14:9-11; 19:20), will be cast into the lake of fire. The other three beast kingdoms may have enough sheep left among their citizenry (Matthew 25:33-34) so that their nations will be able to continue as distinct nations during the millennial period that follows.
7:14 given him dominion. In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, he saw a mountain which would fill the earth, and Daniel explained this as a kingdom set up by the God of heaven (Daniel 2:35,44). Now, in Daniel’s vision, the king of this everlasting worldwide kingdom is seen to be the Son of man (Daniel 7:13), the title assumed for Himself, and frequently used by the Lord Jesus Christ. The presentation of the kingdom to the Son of man by the Ancient of Days is described more fully in Revelation 5:6-14.