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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
2:10 ends of the earth. This prayer of Hannah’s is a remarkable prophecy, looking forward to the final triumph of the Creator over all His adversaries. It is the first such prophecy in the Bible, revealing the future explosive return of the Lord from heaven to judge all nations and to enthrone His anointed king over the whole world. Hannah was surely praying under divine inspiration, and her prayer is similar in spirit to that of the virgin Mary over a thousand years later (Luke 1:46-55). The miraculous birth of Samuel thus becomes a type of the virgin birth of Christ.
2:10 his king. Hannah’s prayer refers to “His king” long before the people of Israel began requesting a king. The reference must be a prophetic forecast of the divine king that would some day rule all nations under God (e.g., Psalm 2:6-9).
2:10 his anointed. “His anointed” is actually “His Messiah.” This is the first explicit reference in Scripture to the coming Messiah (Hebrew equivalent of the Greek “Christ,” both meaning literally “the anointed one”). Hannah’s inspired prophecy anticipates in much detail the later Messianic prophecies (Psalm 2, Psalm 72, Psalm 110, Isaiah 11, etc.). Hannah’s son, the prophet Samuel, as the last of the judges (I Samuel 7:15), was also the one chosen by God to anoint King David, the most complete type of the ultimate anointed one.