What Is A Creationist? | The Institute for Creation Research

What Is A Creationist?


There is obviously a revival of interest in the topic of creation across the nation. Our "Back to Genesis" seminars are attracting bigger and bigger crowds. The demand for creation books and videos, and for creation speakers is increasing at rates that makes it difficult to keep up with.

However, when people begin to turn away from error (evolution), and seek truth, Satan will do all within his power to hinder people from believing God's Word. One of the most effective ways Satan uses to get people to disbelieve the entire Bible is to get them first to doubt and then disbelieve the foundational book of the Bible, Genesis. Because all of the New Testament is founded on the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is founded on Genesis 1-11, if the first few chapters in the Bible cannot be trusted, ultimately, the rest of the Bible will be doubted and disbelieved.

During a recent tour in the United Kingdom, I met a pastor who listened intently as I spoke about the foundational importance of the book of Genesis and how vital it was for the Christian to take the words literally, as they were foundational to every major Christian doctrine. After I had finished speaking, he said:

"You mean if a Christian doesn't believe Genesis and accept it literally, this would put him on a slippery slide of doubt and unbelief in the rest of the Scriptures?" "Yes," I replied. He then looked at me sadly and said in a soft, broken voice, "I am on that slippery slide."

As we sat and talked, it became obvious that the professors he had had at seminary as well as other Christian leaders he had met over the years had convinced him that a Christian does not have to accept Genesis literally. In fact, he had been told he had to accept the evolutionary scientist's word, and use this to interpret the Bible. Because of this situation, he had started to doubt other parts of the Bible. He was a broken man, not sure of what he could or could not trust in the Bible, and his faith was shattered. He is not alone. This is happening to many Christians, including Christian leaders.

It is interesting to note that at the same time that we see a "revival" in creationism (and acceptance of a literal Genesis) across the nation, there is increasing activity by many who call themselves "creationists," but, who, in reality, include evolutionary ideas into their (compromised) Biblical world view. Often these people use all the right words, and sound so authoritative, yet what many listening to them think they mean might not be what they really mean, thereby putting us and our children on that "slipper slide."

I have found that many times when a person (or college) claims to believe in creation, they actually believe in evolution, but that God did it! They basically accept Darwinian evolution, but say that God started and guided the whole process, so that, after millions of years of death and struggle, man finally evolved, and God then gave him a soul, etc. However, be warned, that theistic evolutionists claim they are creationists. You will have to question them very carefully to find out what they really believe.

There are others who believe that God created various groups of animals and plants throughout the supposed millions of years of the history of life, and that then He created Adam and Eve. In reality, this is not much different from theistic evolution, except that God "created'' the various groups along the way, particularly at points where there are gaps in the fossil record. However, these people also will claim to be "creationists."

Such people usually believe that Noah's Flood was only a local flood, yet if you ask them if they believe in a global flood, they will probably say, "Yes." What they mean is that it was a flood that covered part of the globe. Or they will say they believe the flood was worldwide—meaning that it covered the "known world" at that time.

They often say they believe that God created the world in six days, put they interpret the days as being millions or billions of years in length. Certainly, there are many sincere Christians who hold these positions, either out of ignorance of the facts or because they have been brainwashed by scientists or Christian leaders to whom they look for guidance.

It is these leaders who affect so many people with their persuasive arguments, of whom we have to be aware, particularly those who have had access to information produced, for example, by ICR, but who deliberately choose to be in the evolutionist camp.

All teaching should be tested against the clear teachings of the Word Of God. Because Genesis is so foundational, Satan will use people with clever words who can sound scientific, to undermine this foundation. Such people, I believe, are described in Matthew 7:15: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

Some may accuse me of being too harsh in my treatment of these compromise positions; however, because creation is such a foundational doctrine, and because the words in Genesis are so foundational to the words in the rest of Scripture, any attack on the book of Genesis is a major attack on the Bible.

We need to take note of Paul's admonition to Timothy, in I Timothy 6:20: "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babbling, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith."

Because of the enormous power a teacher has, God warns that teachers will receive a stricter judgment: "My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation." Jeremiah 50:6 states, "My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains." In Ezekiel 34:2, we read: "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God unto the shepherds; woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks?"

One is not popular today who stands against the shepherds that are leading the sheep astray. But I believe that both the shepherds and the sheep must be warned if what is being taught is against God's Word. Each of us is responsible before God for what we allow our children, our friends, and ourselves to be influenced by. Instead of just accepting what is being taught because it comes from someone educated, we must check everything against the absolutes of God's Holy Word. If it doesn't measure up, we should be prepared (despite any persecution) to be like the prophets of old and stand up for what is right and true.

Cite this article: Kenneth Ham. 1991. What Is A Creationist?. Acts & Facts. 20 (6).

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