The Legacy of Henry Morris | The Institute for Creation Research

The Legacy of Henry Morris

It's been a year now since my father, ICR's Founder and long time President, Dr. Henry Morris, passed into glory. I thought you might like to know how things are going without him, and how we intend to achieve his long-term goals for ICR.

Let me first take a moment to "remember" his graduation, and tell a few stories that many of his friends will enjoy. In his later life he mentioned many times how he abhorred the thought of life in a nursing home (we promised we would never put him in one if there was any alternative), and he hoped the Lord would take him before he was a burden to the family. But he really thought the Lord would come for us all before he died. An avid student of prophecy (see his Revelation Record and Creation and the Second Coming), he lived in the expectation of our Lord's imminent return. As he recognized his end was nearing, he expectantly reasoned that the Rapture of the saints was at hand. Perhaps his favorite Scripture verse by which he lived was "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16). For him there was so much to do in the brief time remaining. He even wrote a little book from his deathbed, entitled Some Call It Science, giving a summary of evolution thinking and creation evidences.

ICR will continue to make his books and videos available, although the scientific sections may be revised as discoveries are made. Most of his writings were worldview based and will need little updating. His insightful articles in Days of Praise will be used again, also. He wrote more than ten years worth, so you won't see any one of them too often. To make certain his contributions are extended, we have launched the special Henry M. Morris Center for Christian Leadership in Dallas under the direction of my older brother, with a firm mandate that dad's thinking will be the core of all products and teaching. As best as we can promise, we will not deviate.

Scientifically, he laid the foundation for the new wave of technical research which dominates much of ICR today. His main strength was creation theory and worldview application. Biblically, he set the course for ICR's way of doing science, in submission to God's inerrant Word. ICR today enjoys an excitement with possible breakthroughs in science just ahead. Details regarding the Flood are beginning to unfold, and the new field of genomics bears great promise. In many ways, ICR is stronger than ever. All faculty and staff fully embrace the Founder's vision regarding the necessity of following the Dominion Mandate of Genesis 1:28 and 9:1-7, as well as the Evangelical Mandate of Matthew 28:19-20. The first establishes science, technology, and every honorable profession, and the second stresses Biblical teaching and the guarding of the truth. Following in his footsteps will be difficult and a lifelong effort, but those of us coming along behind pledge to continue his legacy.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2007. The Legacy of Henry Morris. Acts & Facts. 36 (2).

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