For Immediate Release: October 1, 2005
A group of eight Ph.D.s, seven scientists and a Hebrew scholar, associated with the Institute for Creation Research have completed an eight-year research study called RATE, which stands for Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth. Their research shows that the rate of nuclear decay in rocks was dramatically faster sometime in the past, making rock units appear to be much older than they are in actuality.
RATE manager Dr. Larry Vardiman states, “It’s believed that these results not only refute the concept of an old earth, the theory of Darwinian evolution and non-theistic models of origins, but offer the believer greater confidence in the Biblical account of creation and the flood. Radioisotope dates of millions and billions of years can no longer be defended with confidence. An age of the earth of only thousands of years is now justifiable.”
ICR is hosting a RATE conference from 8 am to 3 pm on November 5, 2005, at Shadow Mountain Community Church, 2100 Greenfield Drive, El Cajon, CA. During this conference, four key participants in the RATE project will present their findings and answer questions from the audience. Conference attendees will also view the premiere showing of the 48-minute RATE documentary, entitled Thousands…Not Billions.
For more information about the conference or for media interviews, call Kathryn Mokan at (619) 448-0900, ext. 6013.
The RATE Project is a joint research initiative sponsored by the Institute for Creation Research of San Diego, California and the Creation Research Society of St. Joseph, Missouri. Funding for this project came from private donations.