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The Law for Today

“And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?” (
Deuteronomy 4:8)

God has never dealt with any nation as closely and fully as He has with Israel, but He nevertheless is directly concerned with every nation as a national entity. He has actually ...More...

Collapsed Utah Arch Prompts Questions about Arch Formation

Collapsed Utah Arch Prompts Questions about Arch Formation

We lost a natural wonder to gravity and erosion on Thursday, August 8, 2024.1 Those who visited Double Arch, also called “Hole in the Roof Arch,” in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah, can count themselves privileged. Their future descendants won’t get to see it. This news got folks asking about other, even more iconic natural arches like those at Arches National Park, also in Utah. Will each arch inevitably fall until none are left, or are they being replaced by new arches?


ICR 2024 Resource Catalog

ICR 2024 Resource CatalogAt the Institute for Creation Research, our mission is not only to conduct research demonstrating how science confirms Scripture but also to share this with others so they, too, may glorify Jesus as the Creator and know the truth of the gospel.

In light of this, we present this catalog in the hope that these resources will encourage and strengthen you. ICR publishes books and produces DVDs that are designed to equip believers to face the challenges of this world. In a time when the Darwinian worldview permeates every sphere of society and culture, it’s more valuable than ...More...

The Real and the Unreal World

“He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD’s, and he hath set the world upon them.” (1 Samuel 2:8)

The above text contains the first reference in the Bible to God’s world. ...More...

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October 2024 ICR Wallpaper
"The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light...

Collapsed Utah Arch Prompts Questions about Arch Formation
We lost a natural wonder to gravity and erosion on Thursday, August 8, 2024.1 Those who visited Double Arch, also called “Hole in the...

ICR 2024 Resource Catalog
At the Institute for Creation Research, our mission is not only to conduct research demonstrating how science confirms Scripture but also to share this...

Beetle Blasts and Biomimetics | Creation.Live Podcast: Episode...
Though tiny, the bombardier beetle is a fascinating masterclass in design. Evolutionists claim that this explosive insect came about by chance,...

Another Arch Collapse at a National Park
Erosion and other natural forces upon sedimentary formations such as exposed cliffs and arches belie the millions of years during which they allegedly...

Living in Light of Genesis | The Creation Podcast: Episode 82
The world tells us that the book of Genesis is, if not entirely, at least partially a myth. We are told that history, archaeology, and science...

Does Pauli Exclusion Rescue Dino Protein?
Perhaps no other fossil discoveries have rocked the world of paleontology more than original organics like proteins in old bones. ICR helps curate a...

Support the ICR Discovery Center on North Texas Giving Day 2024!
It's North Texas Giving Day! We invite you to support our unique creation museum and planetarium in Dallas, TX—the ICR Discovery Center. Your...

Evolution's Hypothetical Last Universal Common Ancestor
Evolutionists utilize a theoretical tree of life that takes people, plants, and animals back into deep evolutionary time to an unobserved, unknown,...

More Woolly Mammoth DNA
Woolly mammoths of the Ice Age1 were once found in huge numbers in Siberia, northern Europe, and North America. Organic remains from...