Creation and the World Wide Web | The Institute for Creation Research

Creation and the World Wide Web

ICR's desire has always been two-fold; to discover truth about Biblical and scientific creation, and to communicate it carefully and accurately. This transmission was initially through books and seminars, then through the ICR Graduate School, and the more recent media of videos and DVDs. The efforts have been successful. When ICR started in 1970, there was precious little creation information available, but now resources abound. Seemingly on every subject and at every level.

One entirely new medium of communication which was unforeseen in 1970 is the World Wide Web. The web actually began as a way for university scientists to share their findings, and ICR scientists were quickly on board. Soon it grew to a "web" of undreamed scope, and ICR realized its vast communication potential.

Perhaps the first creation website, we began in 1995 to archive Acts & Facts articles, making them easily available. This grew and expanded to contain a wealth of information. But while the content expanded, use of the web blossomed into a new industry. The ICR website, which was rather unique at the start, and later somewhat "avant guard," with upgrades through the years had recently become outdated in appearance.

But no longer. The first phase of structuring of the site has just been completed. You'll find it comprehensive and easy to use. It contains:

1. An "In the News" section on the home page; commentaries on issues of current interest, updated frequently.
2. The Acts & Facts articles from the current month.
3. Archived Acts & Facts articles, including:

  • Back to Genesis articles: usually three-page commentaries by Dr. Henry Morris on a variety of relevant Biblical and scientific subjects.
  • Impact articles: major four-page articles of lasting significance, usually of scientific content, non-technical but often meaty.
  • Dr. John's Q & A: one-page answers to questions on a variety of subjects by Dr. John Morris.
  • Origins Issues: one-page commentaries by Frank Sherwin on issues raised in science journals.
  • The President's Column: usually "big picture" thoughts on issues relevant to creation ministry, especially ICR.
  • Other articles of varying content.

4. Archived Days of Praise issues: readings from ICR's daily devotional Bible study booklet.
5. Upcoming speaking and outreach events: referenced by State.
6. Upcoming radio broadcasts, as well as archived audio programs.
7. Online bookstore, containing all of ICR's regular resources as well as many other materials of interest to creationists.
8. General information: ICR's history, scope, how to sign up for publications, and how to donate to ICR's support.

These are dynamic days in creation ministry. Our modern world demands access to creation information, and the web has become the medium of choice of many. Even though many Christians have been intimidated by "scientific" pronouncements into thinking the Biblical way of thinking has been disproved, the evidence for creation has never been stronger. This can plainly be seen on ICR's website.

Let me invite you to visit the website at and help return science to its rightful place as a benefit to the body of Christ.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2005. Creation and the World Wide Web. Acts & Facts. 34 (9).

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