Countless Blessings | The Institute for Creation Research

Countless Blessings

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s good and right to reflect on God’s countless blessings given to each of us. This is certainly true for the Institute for Creation Research. From humble beginnings, God has blessed our firm commitment to the foundational truth of a personal Creator-God and His authoritative and inerrant revelation as recorded in Scripture. The Lord has supplied, despite seasons of trial and deep need, and has steadily increased the scope and influence of our ministry to one of global proportions. Judging by countless letters of testimony and thanksgiving over the years, many people have been reached for the Lord. Such testimonies are a great blessing to me personally and to all of us here at ICR. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, it is my privilege to share a few excerpts.

Consider this sweet letter from a German missionary in India: “What a surprise it has been when I received your nice parcel with the book about ‘The Beginnings’! And then your personal writings! Thank you so much for all your encouragements. I am now 86 years old, but still by God’s grace healthy and ‘workable’…  and your resources…help me prepare material for the co-workers in our summer schools for slum children. Thank you for all your wonderful help—even for Indian children!”

From a dear lady in Texas: “I have appreciated so much the work of ICR over the years, encouraging me that I wasn’t ‘dumb’ or ‘standing alone’ in believing Scripture, not media-pushed ‘science.’ Of course, real scientific research supports the Word of the One who created this universe! But so many ‘conservative Christians’ don’t want to be embarrassed—they quibble and try to accommodate popular science—reminds me of The Emperor’s New Clothes! I am so thankful for your work.”

In reference to ICR’s new Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis DVD series, a long-time supporter from California sent this email: “It is so encouraging to see the younger generation coming along and expanding on your grandfather’s work. The trailer looks very professional. I ordered the DVD set. I will pray that God opens many opportunities to share this awesome work. Sometimes we follow Him in awe and sometimes in fear (Mark 10:32). May He continue to bless you and yours.”

Along the same line, a young engineer in Arizona wrote: “It was my pleasure to contribute to…the Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis project. My parents used your resources to guide me and teach me as I grew up. I now have a solid foundation in the biblical view of creation and…my love for Jesus explodes when I think about the intricate ways He designed me and our vast universe. Also, great job on the That’s a Fact video series and your use of social media. As a millennial, you’ve hit the nail on the head to engage with us.”

And finally, from a military family (and first-time donors) in the Midwest: “Please pass on to all the staff at ICR how thankful we are for your faithful ministry. We knew at once when we had an unexpected source of income how God would have us share it. We bought the Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis DVD set…and are already sharing it with friends in our homeschool community. We are…blessed by…Acts & Facts and the daily email devotional [that] is packed with more ‘meat’ than many Sunday sermons we’ve heard. Thank you for serving up the Word in satisfying servings. We also thank you for operating your ministry debt-free and being faithful stewards of the resources that God entrusts to you. We will continue to pray that God be glorified through your service to Him.”

God is using the ICR ministry to reach and help people, often in ways we are unaware of. It is my prayer these marvelous testimonies have blessed you as much as they did me and will encourage you to keep praying and giving in support of our work. As for me, when I count my blessings this Thanksgiving, I’m thanking the Lord for you.

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris IV. 2014. Countless Blessings. Acts & Facts. 43 (11).

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