ICR Breaks Ground for New Discovery Center | The Institute for Creation Research

ICR Breaks Ground for New Discovery Center

After more than 45 years of ministry, the Institute for Creation Research just dug into its biggest project yet! On April 21, 2017, ICR held the groundbreaking ceremony for the long-awaited Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. Featuring interactive exhibits and a state-of-the-art planetarium with 3-D imagery, this world-class facility will showcase the scientific evidence confirming the accuracy and authority of the Bible.

Over 300 arriving guests walked a red carpet into the on-site tent pavilion at the ICR headquarters in Dallas, Texas. This crowd represented thousands of other ICR supporters across the U.S. who joined their prayers and resources to make this vision a reality. What is now a parking lot will soon be a faith-building resource for families from all over the nation.

Some ceremony guests have supported ICR for decades and drove from out of state to attend the celebration. A longtime supporter said, “We’ve followed the ICR ministry for a number of years…and what’s so exciting is to see [that] what God has revealed in nature is actually [affirming] of what the Scripture says God did. Just to see what is being built now—and the prospect for an even finer way of demonstrating this to people—is a tremendous joy.”

Many other guests shared stories of the significant role ICR played in strengthening their faith and building their confidence in God’s Word. Others cited ICR’s pivotal role as they came to Christ.

The ceremony opened with a welcome by ICR CEO Dr. Henry M. Morris III, followed by acknowledgments from ICR Board Chairman Dr. Richard Bliss. Dr. Bliss emphasized that the Discovery Center is not one person's project, “It’s been the Lord’s project.” Managing Director Kip Daniel represented The Beck Group, the international architectural firm that has partnered with ICR in construction plans for the Discovery Center. Also present were Michael and Wendy Jenkins, president and founder of Leisure and Recreation Concepts, Inc. (LARC), the world-renowned firm designing the Center’s cutting-edge exhibits.

Dr. Jason Lisle, ICR Director of Physical Sciences and the planetarium’s designer, talked about how the most current technologies will make planetarium guests feel like they are traveling through the solar system. Henry Morris IV, ICR Director of Donor Relations, shared the history of the project and expressed his gratitude for the many ICR supporters who have given sacrificially. In reflecting on God’s provision through His people, Henry IV quoted Psalm 118, “This was the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23).

Dr. Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, provided the dedicatory prayer, thanking God for His work through ICR. He encouraged everyone that creation ministry matters because “what you believe about creation determines ultimately what you believe about salvation.”

Three groups representing the special guests, ICR department directors, and the ICR science team then ceremonially broke ground to launch the Center, donning their hard hats and driving engraved shovels into the dirt. The ceremony was followed by a celebratory lunch.

Construction of the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History will begin in May, with final completion of the building and exhibits anticipated in late 2018. Most people—even many Christians—are unaware of the incredible harmony between scientific evidence and the Bible’s creation account. The Discovery Center will declare this truth to thousands of visitors per year—from kids to senior adults—and will reach out to believers and skeptics alike. Those who would like to partner with ICR in this vital undertaking can find more information at ICR.org/discoverycenter.

Article posted on April 21, 2017.

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