Dinosaur Mysteries Uncovered | The Institute for Creation Research

Dinosaur Mysteries Uncovered

When did dinosaurs live? Did they walk the earth at the same time as humans? What happened to them? How did they fit on the Ark? Don’t dinosaurs prove evolution? You’ve no doubt heard these questions. Their answers have been long hidden, buried in rocks and fossils and smothered by evolutionary ideas.

Evolutionists tell us dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. But scientists at the Institute for Creation Research and other creation organizations have uncovered evidence that tells a different story. Dinosaur fossils hold secrets, and God’s Word reveals their true history.

For too many years, we’ve let evolutionists mislead our culture about these mysterious creatures. Evolutionists proclaim a different message from the biblical account of creation, and our children have struggled with the confusion far too long. The stories evolutionists tell in schools, museums, and films cause our children to doubt that God provides answers in every area of life—even dinosaurs.

How can we give our children confidence in what the Bible teaches? Let’s start with a few fast facts.

  1. Dinosaurs were created on Day 6 of creation week, along with the other land animals and humans.
  2. Dinosaurs walked on Earth at the same time as humans, though perhaps not often in the same places.
  3. The Bible mentions a beast called behemoth that matches a kind of dinosaur. Leviathan, too, appears to have been a huge dinosaur-like creature that may be the source of dragon stories through the years.
  4. Legends and historical accounts from around the world include dinosaur-like creatures as dragons—indications that humans actually witnessed real dinosaurs alive after the Flood.
  5. The 60 or so basic kinds of dinosaurs could easily fit on the Ark.
  6. Scientific research on soft tissues (skin, blood, and other tissue) discovered in dinosaur fossils confirms that dinosaurs lived thousands, not millions, of years ago.
  7. Noah’s worldwide Flood formed dinosaur fossils found on every continent, including Antarctica.

We’ve worked on our latest DVD series, Uncovering the Truth about Dinosaurs, for almost a year—and it’s available for pre-order now. We went to a dinosaur fossil dig site in remote Wyoming. We filmed at Caddo Lake in Texas, an environment that our scientists believe dinosaur habitats may have been like before the Flood. We also spent time at a San Antonio historic mission, discussing the legends of dinosaurs and dragons with experts from across the country. Our team also filmed at a paleontology lab, where scientists examine and research the remains of dinosaurs from a recent past. This series goes into detail on what scientists are discovering today.

We’ve uncovered the answers—the truth about dinosaurs. Don’t let evolution undermine your child’s faith. Learn how our Creator’s work is displayed in these amazing creatures, and share the truth with confidence the next time you hear the question, “But what about dinosaurs?”

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2016. Dinosaur Mysteries Uncovered. Acts & Facts. 45 (10).

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