Passing The Torch Of Creation: A Once-In-A-Lifetime Event | The Institute for Creation Research

Passing The Torch Of Creation: A Once-In-A-Lifetime Event

Pastor Chuck Smith, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr. Duane Gish, and Dr. Henry Morris are teaming up for one of the most momentous events since the modern creation movement began over 30 years ago. Passing the Torch of Creation is scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2002, at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, at 3800 South Fairview Road in Santa Ana, California.

The central theme and purpose of this unique conference is to prepare and exhort future generations to proclaim the truth of creation and stand firm on God's Holy Word. These four senior statesmen will be sharing their lifetime experiences and passing on spiritual and tactical wisdom for the twenty-first century.

Pastor Chuck Smith will be speaking about the vital role of creation evangelism and why it is an essential doctrine for a healthy church. When he first began to minister and hold Bible studies for young dropouts in the 60s he found that evolution was a major hangup. He began giving away copies of a Henry Morris book and saw many come to Christ. From those humble beginnings has risen the worldwide Calvary Chapel movement.

Dr. Tim LaHaye will be discussing the dangers of Biblical compromise, the necessity of standing firm on God's Word, and how this perspective led to ICR's founding. Dr. LaHaye shared his vision for a Christian college in San Diego with Henry Morris in 1969. Discussions turned to the need for a creationist advocacy and research group. Thus the Institute for Creation Research was birthed in 1970 as the science faculty of Christian Heritage College.

Dr. Duane Gish will be discussing how and why Christians must win the creation debate in the sciences, community, and schools. Dr. Gish was one of the founding members of the Creation Research Society in 1964, along with Dr. Morris. Their friendship grew until he joined Dr. Morris at ICR in 1972. He has been a major contributor to the creation cause.

Finally, Dr. Henry Morris will talk about the history of the creation movement, where creation stands today, and where we must go in the future. His involvement in creation goes back to the 1940s. He recognized creation and the Flood as the key to evangelism and Christian discipleship in an ever-more secular society. He stood nearly alone for many years until his speaking and writing ignited the now burgeoning movement. He has been referred to as the "father of modern creationism."

ICR's President, Dr. John Morris, will serve as the emcee and share some of his own passions and vision. He will discuss the state of the creation movement today and explain how we are poised for major advances in research.

Our host, Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, feels so strongly that this is a significant event, that they have graciously offered their facility free of charge, allowing the entire seminar to be without cost to attend. However, since we expect overflow crowds, pre-registration is necessary to guarantee seating. If extra seating is available, all non-registration participants will be offered seats on a first-come, first-served basis. You may pre-register by using our contact form. Please include your phone number, address, how many tickets you need, and who will be coming. Directions to the church will be sent with your tickets.

The conference will begin at 9:15 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, 2002. Creation resources and book-signings will be made available before and after the sessions. Book tables will open at 8:00 a.m.

Please pray for good health for our speakers and that through this event our Creator, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be glorified!

* Dr. Morris is President of ICR.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2002. Passing The Torch Of Creation: A Once-In-A-Lifetime Event. Acts & Facts. 31 (4).

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