Investing for Future Generations | The Institute for Creation Research

Investing for Future Generations

Ten years ago this month, ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris was called home to heaven. His passing marked the end of an exceptionally fruitful life serving the Lord that included 36 years devoted to full-time creation ministry. While the homegoing of any Christian is a curious mix of sadness and joy—for all believers shall be reunited one day (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)—the passing of our founder was an especially uncertain time for ICR. Even with transition plans in place, we wondered how to continue the work of such an extraordinary servant whom God used so greatly for the cause of Christ.

Many solid Christian ministries decline once their founder retires or passes away. Yet the tenets established by Dr. Morris—most notably ICR’s total commitment to the authority of Scripture—have served us well. God marvelously guided and provided in the years that followed, and by His blessing ICR continues to “do business” (Luke 19:13) via new ministry outlets that reach more people today than ever before. Consider the following.

The ICR science staff continues to uncover remarkable evidence of the Bible’s accuracy and remains the fountainhead for much of the creation science research in the world today. Online education programs offered through our School of Biblical Apologetics ( have equipped thousands of Christian leaders and laymen to effectively influence their world with the truth of Scripture. ICR’s website, one of the first of its kind dedicated to biblical scientific creationism, hosts millions of visitors annually. Over the last three years, our That’s a Fact video shorts have been viewed online nearly 10 million times by people from 150 countries. ICR’s monthly Acts & Facts magazine and quarterly Days of Praise devotional contain information committed to biblical authority and are offered free to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. We have produced dozens of new books and exceptional DVD resources to glorify our Creator, like the groundbreaking Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis and our new four-episode Made in His Image series.

But we have the opportunity to do much more! A world-class science museum and planetarium have enormous potential to reach even more people, and we’re praying God will allow ICR to begin building soon. By His provision, we own the building and the necessary property for expansion—all debt free! But more importantly, God supplied the in-house scientific expertise needed to design an innovative complex that will showcase the evidence that confirms Genesis and dispels the myth that science disproves the Bible. The Dallas Museum of Science and Earth History will be unlike anything else in the world! Please visit for more information.

As the world grows increasingly hostile toward the message of Christ, now is the time for Christians to stand and proclaim the marvelous truths of Scripture to those willing to hear (Matthew 13:9). The staff and scientists at ICR are ready to do our part, and we are praying the Lord will lay it on the hearts of many like-minded servants to “do business” with us.

I am certain my grandfather would be an enthusiastic supporter of this new museum initiative. I hope you share ICR’s excitement in the possibilities this project could produce for our Creator’s cause. Please carefully consider how you might invest with us—and experience the joy of being part of a project that will reach future generations for Christ.

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Insti-tute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris IV. 2016. Investing for Future Generations. Acts & Facts. 45 (2).

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