Opportunities in the New Year | The Institute for Creation Research

Opportunities in the New Year

We at ICR are thankful for God’s many blessings as we begin a new year of service. Our ministry is well into its fifth decade, and confirmation of the Lord’s providential hand has been clearly seen as He has answered our prayers, guided our steps, and supplied our every need. And by God’s grace, ICR continues to expand and is reaching more people today than ever before with the scientific evidence for creation, revealing the One who “created all things” (Revelation 4:11).

Even so, ICR recognizes Christ’s expectation for His people to “do business till I come” (Luke 19:13). Unlike the first-century believers in Thessalonica whose tendency toward idleness prompted a gentle rebuke from Paul (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12), Jesus has called us to stay busy with the abilities and opportunities afforded us to sow, water, and reap in fruitful service to Him. There is still much work left to do, and ICR’s agenda is positively bursting with new and exciting initiatives. But in keeping with the biblical principle to “wait on the Lord” (Isaiah 40:31) for He will “supply all your need” (Philippians 4:19), we will only move forward as God provides the resources. As we enter another year, several projects have risen to the top. We list them here in the hope you will be led to pray and give as you are able.

  • Human Body DVD Series. By all accounts, ICR’s groundbreaking 12-part DVD series Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis has been a resounding success. Clearly it met a great need, judging by the numerous requests for more resources of similar quality. ICR certainly has the technical expertise on staff to do more, and we have been actively seeking the Lord’s will on producing a new DVD series based on the marvelous design of the human body. Though the ministry potential of such an effort would be profound, exceptional quality does not come cheap. Costs will likely run at least $500,000 for a shorter series of four or five episodes. Please help if you are able.
  • Television Promotion. Because Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis has been so well received by our followers, we believe it has great potential to appeal to a much wider audience. Even many evangelicals remain mired in evolutionary thinking because they have never seen the marvelous scientific evidences for recent creation. ICR must think outside our “box” in order to reach them, and strategic promotion on national television and cable networks offers the most effective solution. Television promotion is an expensive endeavor, but we believe this is a unique opportunity from the Lord to sow farther and wider than ever before. Please consider how you could partner with us in this effort.
  • Research, Writing, and Speaking. Though these new opportunities are exciting, our primary focus will remain fixed on ICR’s core ministries. Research and writing comprise the heart of our work, but most may not know that we have scientists and speakers, supported by the resilient ICR Events staff, who somehow find the time to speak between 200 and 300 times each year all over the nation! If you have been blessed by these key facets of our ministry, we invite your generous support to keep them going strong.

As you make your plans for the coming year, please prayerfully consider helping ICR with these ministry opportunities. If we remain faithful, it won’t be long before we see the fruit of our labor standing around the throne of God, “for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9). Until He comes, may God grant you a truly productive New Year in service to Him!

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris IV. 2015. Opportunities in the New Year. Acts & Facts. 44 (1).

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