The Design and Complexity of the Cell: Testimony to the Creator of All Life | The Institute for Creation Research

The Design and Complexity of the Cell: Testimony to the Creator of All Life

The growing field of biology—including biomedical, agricultural, and environmental sciences—is becoming more prevalent in our world and more relevant to our daily lives. This field is dominated by a strong philosophical component that plays an important role in our lives. That component is worldview. The worldview of evolutionary naturalism impacts the moral fabric of our society, and we encounter its influences on a daily basis.

The majority of the scientific establishment is sold on the belief that there is no God or Creator and that life developed spontaneously and randomly. On the other hand, many Christians are unaware that recent scientific discoveries in the area of biology actually support an opposite worldview, one that validates special creation as recorded in the Bible. Despite the predominance of evolutionary thinking in education and science, Christians can have confidence that what God said about creation, and particularly about life, is absolutely true.

Although the scientific establishment has sought to suppress much of the evidence for creation, credentialed scientists within the creation and intelligent design (ID) movements have successfully brought this evidence to light. For instance, the book that started the modern creation science movement in 1961—The Genesis Flood by John Whitcomb and Henry Morris—demonstrated the geological evidences that confirm the historical global Flood account of Genesis. A number of recent popular books that incorporate new biological discoveries have made The New York Times bestseller list, such as Signature in the Cell by science philosopher Stephen Meyer.

The bottom line is that understanding the basics of biology and its support for the biblical account of creation will not only build your own faith, but it will also provide a powerful tool for evangelism and the defense of the faith.

ICR’s newest book, The Design and Complexity of the Cell, not only brings readers up to speed on basic biology, but also addresses the various evolutionary arguments that have dominated and shaped the academic environment of the early 21st century. Knowing the facts about the cell is important; God is to be praised for creating life with such attention to detail. However, knowing and using these facts to defend your faith or to persuade others to consider the claims of the Creator will provide you with the ammunition you need to counter the various evolutionary arrows that will surely come your way. This is especially true for those in or on their way to college. Sadly, evolutionary naturalism in the biological sciences is just as likely to be accepted and taught at a supposedly Christian college as it is at a state-supported secular school.

An understanding of the topics presented in this book is vital because many touch on our health and that of our children. As Christians, we should be prepared to give an intelligent, Bible-based response to the issues that challenge our belief in the facts of Scripture or that seek to turn our belief away from the Creator.

Science is not a morally neutral discipline. There is a worldview that governs the beliefs and actions of those who do science. The sin nature of man will turn our world into a technological nightmare for humanity if science is not guided by strong moral and biblical values. Gaining understanding about the building blocks of life, honing our skills to defend the faith, and developing a deeper understanding of the wonders of creation will lead us to ultimately honor the Creator of all life.

Adapted from the introduction to Dr. Tomkins’ book, The Design and Complexity of the Cell, published by the Institute for Creation Research.

* Dr. Tomkins is Research Associate at the Institute for Creation Research and received his Ph.D. in Genetics from Clemson University.

Cite this article: Tomkins, J. 2012. The Design and Complexity of the Cell: Testimony to the Creator of All Life. Acts & Facts. 41 (8): 22.

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