User-Friendly Science Education | The Institute for Creation Research

User-Friendly Science Education

Education has always been a critical focus of the mission of the Institute for Creation Research. In fact, ICR was originally established as the research division of Christian Heritage College (now San Diego Christian College) when Drs. Henry Morris and Tim LaHaye co-founded the school in 1970. Through ICR, Dr. Morris sought to educate pastors, lay leaders, teachers, and others on the authority and accuracy of God’s Word, especially as it relates to the science of His world.

Over 40 years later, the mission of ICR has not changed. We still seek to prepare men and women in real-world apologetics through creation science. However, the tools we use now include the development of K-12 resources for Christian school teachers and homeschool parents. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

ICR believes that in order to teach children the ways of our Father, we must provide their adult leaders with biblically sound information. This fall, ICR will launch the Science Education Essentials blog for Christian school teachers and homeschool families to help reach their students with biblically based science curricula. This new blog will include "Tips of the Week" to provide teachers with subject matter-related links or articles, as well as a section titled "Resources" that includes ideas for games or activities to go along with K-12 creation-based science curriculum, sample lesson plans covering a creation-based product from ICR, and educational insight and biblically based encouragement for the Christian school teacher.

ICR recognizes the challenge Christian teachers face in today’s growing anti-Christian world. Teaching science to students from a biblical worldview is increasingly more important. Much of what students learn in public…and, more often now, Christian…schools utilizes the teachings of the secular science community through evolutionary science, which continues to attack Genesis and the gospel message. This blog will give valuable scientific insight that shows how the biblical creation message is actually supported by a vast array of scientific disciplines. Our desire is to assist you in preparing students to defend the faith amidst a culture biased by an evolutionary worldview that is hostile to the biblical account.

We are excited about this new opportunity the Lord has placed in our hands and trust this will be another avenue for Christian school teachers to depend on ICR as their primary source for K-12 creation-based science curriculum products, lessons, tips, activities, and resources. Stay tuned! 

But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body. (1 Corinthians 12:18-20)

* Dr. Forlow is Education Specialist at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Forlow, R. 2011. User-Friendly Science Education. Acts & Facts. 40 (9): 19.

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