Opportunities to Minister Creation Evangelism | The Institute for Creation Research

Opportunities to Minister Creation Evangelism

During this Christmas season, as we ponder things for which we are thankful, let us not forget the opportunities to minister creation evangelism. Remember as we give gifts to those we love that "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son" for our salvation (John 3:16), and allows us to be His ambassadors, taking the gospel message, which includes the good news of creation, to a world which needs it so. This is a precious calling, to have a part in something special He is accomplishing. In particular I am thankful that we are able to minister internationally, without the difficulties of overseas travel. Opportunities abound here at home to impact other cultures, as representatives from around the world come to us. Let me tell you of several recent contacts.

We start with the expanded and improved website of ICR, a library of creation information. Available around the world, it provides instant access for many.

We also offer graduate web-based education for science teachers and interested creationists, equipping them for effective ministry.

Our museum continues to be a real draw for international visitors. In October we were blessed as over 125 foreign missionaries visited, in town for a missions conference hosted by Grace Community Church in the Los Angeles area. We provided books and materials to help them accomplish their tasks. Similarly, we are often on the itinerary of Grand Canyon trips hosted by the Southern Californian branch of the Korean Association of Creation Research.

As mentioned in previous Acts & Facts issues, we have launched a graduate-level mentorship program to help graduate students from major universities accomplish creation-useful research, thus training the next generation of creation scientists. Many of the students now involved are international students, free from the shackles of American secularism. A student led group of these budding scientists have now banded together to reach out to young scientists in Europe and Asia, affording worldwide access to some of the best creation minds. The goal of these students is to change the way the world thinks in regard to creation, and to reach their countries for Christ using the tool of creation, all the while providing answers to deep creation problems.

Time will only tell what will come of this. Initial forays are promising indeed. As you pray this year end, let me add this to your prayer list. Pray that God will grant lasting success to this effort, both in increased creation understanding, and in lives and destinies changed for Christ.

In closing, let me remind you of the financial needs of ICR and how year-end giving is so important in empowering ICR to accomplish these vital goals.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2006. Opportunities to Minister Creation Evangelism. Acts & Facts. 35 (12).

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